Saturday, December 27, 2008

Away For The Holidays

As most of you already know, I was far far away for the holiday season this year and as much as I appreciated the highly intoxicated phone calls late at night, fuck, they pissed me off as well. Not only did I have to hear family and friends having a crazy good ole time in my absence, each and every one of them made it their purpose to let me know just how much fun was being had. Granted, I was skiing fresh champagne powder on Christmas day, something no one else I can think of at home was doing. I also enjoyed the sheer thrill of opening my gifts via webcam in front of the family who is half a country away. Future reference - open gifts on webcam if away for the holidays, it does supply some of the sought after "oooossss" we all love hearing whilst opening gifts. 
In all actuality being away for the holiday season is not the worst thing in the world, especially if you are working. At least then nothing feels terribly out of place. I was able to pass up endless amounts of dishes, waiting for my siblings to open their presents just to tear through my own, the dogs being terrorized by having to wear antlers (poor gay Drake was humiliated), the uncertainty of a white Christmas in Michigan, and everyones favorite - having to pretend getting yet another pair of pajamas was a great idea. Yes, I missed my family dearly on that day and being away for Christmas will not be a regularly occurring theme but skiing on Dec 25th was a great gift to myself. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Average Joe to Superhero

Listened to the most fascinating radio show on NPR after yoga class and a full day of champagne powder skiing, that was amazing btw, last evening. The show brings in people working on the most obscure and out of the ordinary projects to talk about what the project is and what developments have come from it. A professor of neuroscience and kinesiology, E. Paul Zehr, has recently written a book called - Becoming Batman: the Possibility of a Superhero. He started off talking about the differences between Batman as opposed to other superheroes in regard to Batman having the human element with no "super-powers" per se. Batman cannot fly, does not have x-ray vision, possess super-human strength, etc etc. He merely possesses the inner rage of seeing his parents get killed before his very eyes at a young age and has been trying to rid the world of scum ever since, Gotham first I might add. 
Mr. Zehr talks in his book, as well as, on the program about how an average person could quite possibly become the next Batman. In a very detailed fashion, Zehr laid out what Batman does possess - inner rage, years of martial arts training, knowledge of many different gadgets, a daredevil like mindset, an excessive amount of peak physical conditioning, ability to work an entire day as a company executive then becoming the superhero saving the world at night, just to name a few. Zehr next went into the training aspect a normal average person would have to incur from a very young age - martial arts training, strict diet, very demanding daily workout, position of high power both in career and social contexts, at least a few hundred million USD's, and a working knowledge of how to stop villains without mortally injuring them. He estimates this training taking anywhere from 15 - 17 years, not to mention the total career time of this ordinary person becoming batman being maxed out somewhere around 3 years. This due to lack of sleep, the physical demand on the body, and staying under the radar. 
The final question is - can anyone become a superhero on the same level as Batman? The answer to that question according to Zehr is absolutely. Personally, I think the training and steps leading up to becoming Batman or something like him, would be close to the equivalent of an Olympic athlete except out of the spotlight with little coaching. So, yes it can be done but that is the only thing one would accomplish in a lifetime. Is it worth it? Hell yes. 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Old English, Spinning Timelessly

Old memories, friends, sentimental items, things that are still being lamented about. Drop the melody and let the light shine though. Yes, that was meant to sound as southern gospel as possible in order to spice up your life, as a spice girl in the 90's put it. Today a woman came down to the lowly accounting office and demanded we give her the quarter that was recently stolen from her by the tampon machine. It took everything I could then muster up not to laugh hysterically while falling on the ground. She was completely upset that her lady needs had been put on hold by a quarter eating machine and demanded we right the situation IMMEDIATELY. 

"I bid you good day sir." 

A new office friend of mine, Tim Molsberry, have been discussing all things from literary works to the piracy in Somalia to surfing, of which he did as a teen in Hawaii, to the death wish of people who have tattoos and smoke cigarettes. This death wish being my favorite topic as he pegged me being the kid who enjoys the casual smoke whilst drinking, once every blue moon as the phrase goes. Tim is well read, has lived in most every different demographic state-wise, and has been in the same department but more importantly job, for the past 22 years. That kind of restriction, monotony, boredom, etc etc etc would leav
e me hanging with shit all over my dead body(that's what happens after death by hanging.) The man is very interesting to talk to and has been around for 58 years, works for him is all I have come up with. Some people, my east-coast douche of an offic
e supervisor, belittles and ridicules the man. This is the 
on uncool individual in the entire office. 
Went to what is known as a "rail jam" last evening. They setup a rail for skiers and snowboarders to slide down any which way for one hour while people watch and take photos. Happy to say I helped the park crew out making this event a success and was offered a job in the process, the parks manager claiming I was "more useful than most of these burnouts." Ha we later enjoyed a beer talking about the non-office staff, including some in the office, not knowing proper english. Being born and raised in Montana without formal education, he was well versed in english and well read. Surprising. Think the worst so that when expectations grow past the bottom rung, the day is then made a miracle. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tid Bits, Fits, Incoherent

As per my own request after talking to Lily Q about the infamous goat cheese omelette, I did one take, my first in front of the camera in a few years, to film a How To Goat Cheese Omelette. That hilarious yet informative video can be seen on Youtube here. It starts out with a rather mumbled stuffy version of an introduction to the ingredients used and next goes into the steps taken to complete said omelette, with only one burning sequence. However, in that burning of my hand I refrained from yelling obscenities, that would make the video less family friendly. The best thing about this video is how I had just rolled out of bed not more than ten minutes before shooting, as well as, published the first take. Another take was done the day after, my thinking - what the hell, it's already uploaded to Youtube anyhow. 
President-Elect Obama was named Time person of the year today amongst intense competition. Was there really any other competitors? The man has beaten all odds in becoming the first black president, coming from a single family home, and raising record funding for any political campaign in all of history. The real competition was for runners up, which included Henry Paulson(wtf?), Nicholas Sarkozy, Sarah Palin(really?), and Zhang Yimou. This got me thinking about who is on the selection board, what is the process like, qualifications to be considered, etc. Are there nominations? Is there a board? How does one go about getting on said board? I might like to select a Person of the Year in the near future, the process alone intrigues me. 

If you have any info on how to get a seat on this board, send it my way. 

One of Obama's new interests has recently become frightening little children, hilarious. The threats of making their school days longer would sound terrible if I were one now but is completely logical, rational, and educational, most importantly. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Frigid, F*ck My Fingers

Once I walked out the front door at a quarter to six this morning and my boys retreated right back up into the warmth, I had an idea of just how cold it was. The day started out around 5 degrees, which is enough to make your bullocks tingle, ending around the -10 region down here in the meadow. Up on the peak is an entirely different story being that the first ski run started around 3 degrees -10 windchill, only to be -7 with a -15 windchill less than two hours later. With the snow accumulation of over six inches in the last fifteen hours the Lone Peak Tram opened up Liberty Bowl and all its glorious waist deep powder. Being from the Midwest hardpack skiing environment, I indulged hard. After only a few hundred feet down the 10,400+ft peak of paper accompanied by paper thin breathing, my quads screamed for a relief. Well boys, hold on, this is too good to stop. Every turn was like busting through cloud after cloud of pure powder, no matter how many other enthusiasts had been there on opening day to soak up all they could handle. The bowl was truly magnificent.
Not until trekking down the cat track was I able to rid my fingers of the burning sensation from the below zero temperatures penetrating right through all the cold weather gear. Skiing the pure goodness that is powder makes one forget about such things as being cold, and prevents the much dreaded pussy remark from your group. When your hands go from warm to burning hot, meaning the sensation is like fire they are so cold, you know the weather is not conducive to skiing all day. Luckily it was only my ski break, therefore I was not wasting an unbelievable powder day due to the conditions. 

Days in Montana: 13
Days Skied: 10
Powder Days: 2

Satisfaction Precedent Cont.

The previous nights post is not to say striving for the best, something better, more, beyond, is a desire one shouldn't have. It was simply saying to be content whilst striving for the next step, happiness is not determined by material or status but rather within. 

A few of my infamous poster quotes:

Mediocrity is not acceptable.

Contention is self attained, personally achieved.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Satisfaction Precedent

We all set precedents of where we want to live, what sort of environment, who we surround ourselves with, how far from family (50%+ live within 50 miles of home, thanks Lily), what we want to do for a profession, and most importantly how we want to live. Take a second and ask yourself if all the criteria mentioned above has been met or will be met in the near future. Yes, this is a life glimpse, per se. Take a long hard look at your current situation. Do you have steps to climb? Are you at least partially satisfied or just looking to complete the next phase? With the next phase will you truly be pleased there or just waiting for the next one following?
One thing I have learned from living in Montana this short period of time, just less than two weeks, is that the majority of people here are more than content whether they are working the lifts or are owners of a business. Life is short, why chase what may or may not make fill the void? 

Notice: Yes, these are life ramblings intended to be taken with a grain of salt, but valid nonetheless.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Death of a Good Cause

While sitting at work today three of my limit orders had failed to progress past the point of being executed by Etrade, which has been more of a hindrance than anything in the last week. Awaiting a bailout for GM specifically, I had some orders out to take advantage of the bailout. In part I am glad they weren't executed due to afterhours talks being killed in the senate. The senate opposition made absolutely no sense to me, I guess I'm just a lowly consumer who knows nothing about what it takes to succeed in manufacturing. On a real note - what the fuck? How is the greedy senate, after the house passing the bailout measure, going to stop all hope of chance?
In reading the bill presented by Mr. Frank and all the laid out stipulations, which granted there were a few unrealistic stipulations, I thought the auto makers would be in the clear giving them the much needed liquidity/loans to continue operations. Yes, they need to be more competitive with foreign manufacturers. Yes, they need to be more efficient and lean in operations. But then again, look at the foreign automakers now, they aren't making sales, meeting demand of which there is none, or being competitive at all either. Toyota is now paying millions in storage space for all the product not being sold, no disposable income. People are sitting on their old cars due to market fear and uncertainty of having a job tomorrow. This is no way to live, fearful of tomorrow. Not to mention our lame-duck president who is sitting in office screwing up everything, mainly environmental issues, that will take Obama half of his first term for reversals. Bush has done nothing to save American manufacturing, just watching it die die die. 
Being directly tied to this portion of the GDP in that my family is heavily vested with automotive, I have no idea what will happen to Export Corporation. My father and grandfather worked their tookus' off to make that company what it is today just to watch a measure destroy any hope of future auto business. They will be one of the suppliers who will be proper fucked by the GM bankruptcy, not getting paid for an insurmountable period of time if at all. Let's just hope they can hang on through this travesty. Do they even comprehend what this is going to do to the economy? This is directly linked to around three million jobs. The financial markets crashing laid off hundreds of thousands, just wait for the millions who lose their jobs in the coming months. Obama, you are the only hope. 

Completely scatter brained regarding these recent events, pissed off, and angry with the stupidity of the people who had control of this. They sit so high "representing" the American consumer and have not the faintest idea of their actions. So many things could be presented, let's just see the trickle down effect in response. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Looking to Buy? Picks Below

From the title alone, one might think that I will be suggesting some stock picks for these "market deals." Sorry to disappoint but that is not my intention, as I was beaten to a pulp after suggesting to a friend something to buy last year when this pick went sour. Of course he shortly realized afterward I suggested that he short - note to all: don't participate in the market if you have no clue what that particular term means. From that point forward, making suggestions is childsplay, a rather juvenile thing to do unless one is willing to do their own research to prove said picks worth. 
The item I am referring to in the title is Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat. The market value for such a powerful item has yet to be found but I'm sure if you ask Illinois Governor Blagojevich (soon to be former) he could give you a fair price. That is as long as you provide a high paying job for his wife as well. Hearing about this news on Bloomberg this morning made me think, "shit I don't have to go to law school to get one of the highly competitive senate seats, I'll just pay for it." Of course I would also need a few million USD's and in these credit conditions, that may be a bit impossible. A call will be placed to Nana shortly for sponsorship, which I will tell her just how wonderful of a person, baker, grandmother, and most of all, sponsor of her grandson the new senator from Illinois. 
Yes, getting to that level of office merits the person there some perks that could include removing those from the press that criticize you, selling prestigious positions of government, putting your wife on corporate boards, taking a "substantial" salary from a non profit organization (this one particularly boils my blood), and who knows what else will emerge in the next few days. Wow, I want to be governor. The first thing that comes to mind upon hearing this news - "Is this common of people coming out of the government in Illinois?" 

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Year Outlined - Bests

This article in New York Magazine outlines the best of just about everything culturewise for the year - films, dvds, singing actresses, superlatives, performances, plays, etc. Just look for yourself, omfbj. 

Powder Pup

Had one of the messiest prime ribs last night at Oasis in Manhattan, Mt. This piece of meat was definitely the juiciest, most flavorful, largest, and most filling slab of grass chewer I have ever eaten. That paired with some good ole Montana Potatoes, a more than ample serving of blue cheese salad, and garlic bread that melted in my mouth. (I'm drooling while writing this btw). I shared this meal and massive food baby afterward with Stone Cold (Uncle Dave for those of you in the circle, believe me, it's a place everyone aspires to be in). The conversations with Uncle Dave varied from the process of soil nails to infrastructure investment(which was proposed by Obama just today) to water vapor being the biggest greenhouse gas and finally wrapping up with his friend the pollock back in Michigan. One of the perks of being out here in Montana, I truly enjoy spending time with/hearing the opinion of Uncle Dave.
Last night it began snowing heavily down here in the meadow, which is a little less than 1,000 vertical feet from the base of Big Sky. The predictions of snow had for once been right. Waking up to a snow covered car on my day off was a delight. Getting to the first chair with over a foot of fresh powder was wonderful. Having fresh tracks all day after a long night and day of skiing = priceless. Being exhausted after skiing all day was a much welcomed relief to all the hard work I have been doing....HA. 
Let's breakdown what my work days have consisted of thus far. - Get in early, around 7:30 to start the "busy" workday. I receive all the postings and revenue from the previous days from the various vendors owned by Boyne at Big Sky. These numbers are then placed into a daily report for Boyne Corporate that has to go out before 12pm. There are two other reports I am responsible everyday, which are the daily statistics of sales, visitors, skiers, other revenue, lodging, etc. All this work is usually done within the first three hours and at the time of completion I promptly look for more projects to work on, either by asking people in my department or being innovative on my own. Well being innovative in an environment not
 conducive to such thinking, is quite difficult and frustrating. My boss told me to "chill" the other day, really. 

Adjusting to the hella relaxed Montana work and leisure life. 

-Photos were taken today. Over a foot of fresh powder, wonderful. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Statement of Competency

If, by chance mind you, I am living in either Chicago, New York, LA, or other major metropolitan city next fall, I will run in their fall marathon. Stated. Set. In. Stone. 

Note how pleased dodgy character in photo appears. Don't you aspire to be him?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Life in the Middle of Nowhere

As you already know, I have made a recent left turn in my life to pursue the ski bum lifestyle (with a little bit of work included there somewhere.) Who is actually talking about the work? Not I. This new style has started in Big Sky Montana, where the skiing is big and the landscape is even bigger. Majestic mountain, I must include. (See aforeposted photo). After a week of living here, the swing of things is starting to find me. Coming from life in a city, small town, and a college town, Montana is a drastic change being that like life in Hawaii - don't do it, let it happen. Seems as though everyone is here to work to ski or just working with no general direction of what they actually want. Some of accounting people in my office don't even ski, wtf are they doing in Big Sky? The other item that slightly irritates my being is the lack of motivation and passion in professions, aforementioned reason for being in MT. I am here for a purpose, that purpose being to work, be innovative, make improvements, and learn as much as I can, however, when I complete all work needed to be done I search the office for work. This searching has been fruitless. Granted, it is slow period and some entities are not open yet but I hate going to work and ending up on Gmail Chat or surfing the news. Is it wrong to want to work. Most significant obstacle faced with: calming down, enjoying the skiing, and learn as much as possible. 

Most recent regret: quitting the job I wasn't hired for, placed into rather(beyond the point really), at Mars. Regrets get one nowhere, stop regretting. 

"Worries, regrets, and complaints solve nothing. They change nothing. Rather they undermine your health, your social environment and your quality of life." - Alexander Green. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Big Sky Ski Bum (one step above)

My parents weren't so keen on the initial idea of moving to Big Sky Montana to work in the accounting department in the first place, as in "get a real job" kind of thing. Well guess what? I'm here and things have been great thus far, by great I mean I really like being out here at this point in my life but know this is wonderful for now. The first day of work consisted of four hours of work and three hours of skiing with my boss. Can anyone else say that? Highly doubtful. Granted, the work is menial and could possibly transpire into something greater with Boyne Inc, who knows who knows. 

Jumping topics like hopscotch in South Chicago at a slightly awkward family party (only slightly awkward of course). Haha

The people I am renting a room from have been more than accommodating, giving me an arrival dinner, lay of the land, and access to everything in the house. Which btw is an awesome newly built log home that is exactly what one thinks of when picturing life in Montana. The house is only six miles, 1,000 vertical feet, from the resort. A very scenic drive every morning and night, which brings a smile to my face every time. Enjoy what you have while you have it, life comes at you fast. 
I went with a fellow coworker, this Georgian Jodi who left her "favorite job" to live in Montana and ski, to a local brewery after work. The Lone Peak Brewery that is owned by a couple who have been literally all over the country. Steve, the owner, went to the Masters Brewing Program at UC Davis, traveled the country with his wife several times, and ended up living his dream of owning a brewery in Big Sky. I personally don't have the balls to do something like travel the country in a motor home but I do envy that kind of nomadic life, especially enjoy hearing about it. We tried all of his brews and chatted for a few hours, listening to all the life experiences/adventures this nomad has enjoyed. The Lone Peak has newly acquired a regular. 
View the majestic photo for a minute and honestly say that is somewhere you wouldn't want to be for a period of time...

Ski Ski SKI

Monday, December 1, 2008

Transporting Life, Yet Again

After Thanksgiving dinner last week, I got in the car with all my winter possessions, needed items, and some useless items, and began the drive westward. Of course I had to stop in Chicago to hang with my cronies for a few days, that is exactly what went down. Upon arriving in Chicago at the Quateman's house, Pat was absolutely shitfaced talking all kinds of nonsense that was as hilarious as it was personal defamation of character to himself. Eva was doing all she could to keep him out of the bourbon, however he was able to sneak a glass and down the entire glass in the same move. Hysterical. Next I was able to spend some time with Lily, who has become a truly good "friend." Whether we are being arrested, sent to bed by persons with wet dripping wet hair, or leaving the scene of certain Eurotrash, a good time is had by all.
The inevitable situation of leaving to traverse across the country had to happen following a much enjoyable lunch with Lily, Ryan, Pat, and Moe. Just thinking back on the less than two days spent there and multiple times with said people beforehand, only good memories come to mind. The good kind of reminiscing. At 1pm, the drive to Montana was started. Since daylight savings time is over, all the boring parts such as Minnesota, and South Dakota were traversed through at nigh time. Even though I had roughly eleven hours of sleep logged the previous two nights, I wasn't tired until around 1:30 am in the late half of South Dakota, upon which I promptly took 10mg of adderall. The worst portion of the drive happened around 3 - 5:30am in Wyoming on 90, where there was at least three inches of snow on the expressway, blizzard-like conditions, no visibility for more than 50ft or less, and multiple cars off the road. Another crack dosage was then taken, 35mph was driven for a little over two hours, and I am pretty sure that little episode took years off of my life. The shitty thing was that with so much upper in my system, every time I pulled over was a waste. I couldn't rest, sit still, or just sit and wait for it to be over, my mind and body said - lets fucking go man. And that's exactly what I did, driving behind plow trucks, when they were there, at 35mph with no other sounds than the wind gusts of snow on the car. 
When I finally made it to the Montana border, tears of joy were shed. Not only was my journey coming to an end but I had made it out the the worst possible driving conditions I have faced thus far in life. The sun was just rising when I entered Montana and it was certainly a gorgeous sight with vast terrain, snowcapped mountains, and a beautiful sun rising behind me. Visited with my uncle for a few hours, of which some was spent catching much needed zzzz's after 24 strait hours of driving, then continued on to my new place of residence. Initially I was planning on staying in employee housing but after finding this place on Craigslist, I was sold. Great log home, nice people renting the room, they have dogs - always a plus, king size bed that can sleep ten, and a welcoming meal upon arrival. Surprisingly, I was able to chat and sit through a normal meal before going into a much needed 11 hour coma. 

Things accomplished: nice Thanksgiving with family, spent time with good friends in Chicago, convinced certain "friend" to visit soon, drove 24 strait hours, and have a more than exceptional place to live for the next 4 1/2 months. Satisfied? 3/4 tank full.  

Quick Relevant Information

Research has shown that eating fast food is linked to more than solely becoming a fat bastard, they now think that it is directly related to causing Alzheimer's.


Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Best Production in Film Thus Far

BBC's Planet Earth, which i have indulged in many many times, is the best film production thus far. The cinematography is unreal, shots of rare animals are fantastic, it's just a fucking spectacular production that everyone needs to watch on a regular basis. This epic series celebrates the Earth as it has never been seen before using state of the art HD photography and revolutionary ultra-high speed cameras that are able to zoom in and out miles flawlessly. Taking 5 years, over 2000 logged field days, 40 cameramen, across 200 locations, nothing was spared in making this series a masterpiece. 

"A tour de force...A masterpiece." -The New York Times

"This is the Best DVD of the absolutely extraordinary achievement." Chicago Tribune 

Planet Earths stunning compilation captures the world's most rare animals, impossible locations, and intimate scenes with the loved, wildest, and most elusive creatures Earth has to offer. Watching a never before taped snow leopard in Pakistan makes you think about what that would look like in your foyer, gorgeous. Every seventeen years when the cicada appears to flood the forrest with an abundance of food for animals and nutrients for plants was also caught in this series, how's that for a stimulus package? 

Series is a MUST watch at least once. Be amazed, who knows how much longer these beauties will be around. 

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Snowy Day Browsing/Procrastinating

When I should be packing for the long haul out west, I find myself easily distracted looking at different blogs from adventure to testimonial to music. I randomly came across this blog recommended by New York Magazine with all different genres of music with insightful reviews. It was recommended as one of the top 5 blogs to check out. The author, Matthew Perpetua, takes his time finding new music and writing very detailed descriptions of each song. The best part about the music he finds, other than the description of course, is the Quicktime link that allows you to listen to each and every song posted. Genres range from Europop to Indie to Rock to Electro, I even found a few Smashing Pumpkin bits in there from rather recent postings. 

"Musicians, take note: It is probably a very good idea for you to write catchy songs about being broke and/or desperately wanting money right about now. They don’t have to be miserable, mind you — it’s probably for the best to lean in the direction of this Wiley single, which balances out the frustration of insolvency with a perky, can-do optimism. Wiley’s verses are energetic and enjoyable, but his lyrics are largely beside the point — he’s basically just doing a hip hop stock move, i.e. “I come from nothing, but I’ve made some money from my music, and so I will flaunt it a bit without forgetting my roots.” The real action is in Mark Ronson’s musical arrangement and Daniel Merriweather’s chorus, the latter providing the bulk of the song’s emotional resonance, and the former lending the track a jolting sense of urgency. When the galloping beat overlaps with Merriweather’s white boy soul — actually, his voice sounds more than a little bit like that of Damon Albarn — the song just sparks, and kinda zaps you into its hustling state of mind."
-Matthew Perpetua

The intricate, well thought-out wording used by Perpetua almost makes you want to get up and dance, write your own song, and blast the stereo like Michael Jackson's - Black or White

Check it out here: FluxBlog 

Monday, November 24, 2008

American Ingenuity In Danger

While watching someone's short position on CitiGroup lose any gains it could have made over the past few market days, the government steps in, bails them out with $20B, and all equity shareholders are freed from the all-to-certain bankruptcy stock value of 0. One might next ask the question, "why is the government so quick to bailout yet another financial institution when some of the "Great American Icons" are waiting patiently for their own slice of the cake(most likely German Chocolate)?" The debacle is a double edged sword of sorts due to the fact that Citi was involved with credit default swaps and has already received $25B from the government already. Hogwash at its finest. IS it a good company? No. William Smith of Smith Asset Management, who owns CitiGroup stock said, "you're seeing an inept management being rewarded by the U.S. Government." Isn't one of the investing points to believe in their management team? 
On the other end of this argument, the US Government sent the automakers packing last week when they came and pleaded for a cash infusion. Do they have poor management? Yes. They. Do. Similar situation. Congress told them all to come back with a business plan for the next few years to prove this money isn't for staying afloat, somewhat makes sense, not entirely. Will congress be able to tell if the business plans are for viability purposes? Should we be looking out for our manufacturing sector? Yes. American manufacturing cannot crumble, even Obama understands that one. Automakers linked to 3 million jobs, banking industry linked to around 225k jobs. Which impacts the economy greater? Were the auto companies making risky investments that were not transparent such as mortgaged back securities? Not hardly. They were burdened with the high costs of American Labor, which made them less competitive on a global scale. Give cash to the companies who truly need it, in other words, let the shorts run free.  

Correction: CitiGroup received over $300B over the weekend in extended backings. Automakers: $0USD

Saturday, November 22, 2008

If I Had Another Chance Tonight

Recently heard on a favorite podcast of mine (check post of things I dig) the Roger Sanchez track Another Chance remixed by Kaskade. Definite must have download if it is not in your collection thus far. The song's main chorus is - 

"If I had another chance tonight, I'd try to tell you the things we had were right. If I had another chance tonight..." 

Then of course the track breaks into a banging version of the original with added organ and synth. Anyway, the point of this post, other than being influenced by a few Landsharks, is not only that this track was a classic upon its release but the connotation behind the lyrics. If you had another chance tonight, what would you do with that chance knowing the outcome of set previous actions? Fun to think about? Yes. Waste of thought/time? Absolutely. Do what you are out to accomplish in that night/day/meeting/situation/competition = no regrets, there are no second chances. Layer Cake. 

Also, I have recently turned Travis onto this Kaskade track, which I cannot find a link to. Kaskade - Stars Align(Andy Caldwell Mix) Turn it up. 

Friday, November 21, 2008

Fell off the face of the Earth

I had this friend in college, Jesse, who became a very close friend to me the first few years of school, resurface just yesterday. Being a renegade himself, living and traveling all over the world most of his life, it wasn't a complete surprise that he hadn't contacted myself or my brother in just less than a year. Low and behold he called just yesterday. Sounding quite disheveled on the phone made me question if it were actually him on the other end. Well a lot has happened since the last time we spoke, such as him getting married, losing his leg to a brown recluse spider, planing his own funeral, and being in the current process of choosing a prosthetic leg, which I assured him could turnout to be somewhat sweet. Of course I took the opportunity to brag about my newly superior basketball skills, maybe to lighten up the conversation? My first question when all of this information was being relayed to me was - what the hell, where was my wedding invitation? I happen to love weddings, the party afterward, and everyone being in such a great mood. Quite offended upon hearing this news. (The leg being on the backburner.) 
What troubled me the most about this phone call was that Jesse thought I would not still be friends with him if I knew he had one less appendage. Who gives a shit? Yeah I can't be seen with someone missing a leg, that might be embarrassing. Ha. A point was brought up to me later, that I had only thought about briefly during the conversation due to there being a distress element, pertaining to the missing time in between the spider bite (July) and when contact was made, yesterday. What happened to unanswered messages of the email variety? In the next conversation, since the last was difficult on Jesse's part evidently, I will address said questions. Personally, I couldn't imagine what it would be like to lose a leg, except getting the closest parking spaces of course. Coincidentally, Tristan and I were talking about his fall from the Earth not a week before the infamous phone call. Somehow he managed to climb back on for now. 

Continued Media Destruction

A news story has been running on most major networks the past 24 hours about Sarah Palin's controversial background choice. She chose to do an interview in front of numerous turkeys being slaughtered as her background. No the turkeys weren't being killed with an ax on a chopping block, more like a giant cone where you couldn't see what was happening anyway. MSNBC made an even bigger deal by blurring out the turkeys unfortunate death because apparently people with xray vision can see through the steel cone and witness the turkeys head being chopped off. Evidently she was asked before beginning the interview if the background was alright, replying "no worries." Did she really know what was going on behind her or is she totally oblivious? If she knew and didn't care I would venture a guess Mrs. Palin thought it would be in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Who can honestly say they give a shit about the turkeys being killed and go eat one with family next week? Hypocrites. Give the woman who has vision for a few hundred miles a break. I wouldn't put it past her to slaughter a few after the interview with her Burberry scarf on, she would want to swing the ax, guaranteed. 
Stop pestering Palin, the woman is most likely torturing small game to drown her public humiliation/embarrassment. Who is suffering now? I'd bet she knows all the ways to skin a cat and would be happy to share them with Martha Stewart, could be her next show's craft, Alaskan style. 

Tell me honestly that a bear rug in your office doesn't mean business. 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Citations Without Notice

Can one receive a citation without proper signage of where trespassing is not permitted? As if trespassing is permitted in certain places to begin with, yes. Especially the Chelsea Pier area, specifically Pier 40 next to the Port Authority building. Yesterday I went to New York City to hang with Lily. Neither of us being able to sleep as usual, we decided to take a walk down by the pier. We then decided to jump over two sets of railing to bypass the closed gate out onto the boardwalk, mind you this gate had no trespassing signs attached to it(although the previous on had). Soon enough, the parks and rec security came lights flashing ready to exert authority upon us. These two goofs, most likely illiterate, claimed that we have been seen on camera trespassing onto the boardwalk and we were in big trouble. OoooO. We both proceed to give the forceful parks security false identities and ridicule them. It was quite hilarious in that both of our first responses were fabrication and the parks "officers" thought they had served justice by giving us each $50 citations for looking through binoculars on a public pier. Yes it was closed after 1am. Did we harm anything? Absolutely not. Napoleon Complex had overtaken both of them, especially Juan Gutierrez who made sure we knew that a law had been broken. Give me a break pinkerton. Utterly hilarious situation that only the two of us could get ourselves into. 

Don't mess with forceful pinkertons, they will kick your ass and issue you a citation.  

Monday, November 17, 2008

Nurse Says, "boys will be boys."

Thought for a second that I could type my normal speed minus two fingers, evidently not. Did some innocent animal killing over the weekend, also referred to as "killing god's creatures." Regardless, duck hunting is an activity that brings one closer to their father/brothers, encourages shooting of things flying through the air, allows for judgement practice, and most of all tastes absolutely delicious. Unlike restaurant duck, wild ducks are able to develop muscles and with the right marinade (olive oil, garlic, soy sauce, hint of salt, and cracked pepper) makes even my mouth water whilst writing this entry. Does that make me a vegan? Apparently not. Duck hunting is something I have enjoyed since about the age of 8, and frankly I am quite good at it. Ducks fly in but not many make the flight out. It gives you a perspective on how long your patience tolerance is, how good your aim/lead judgement is, and if you were cut out for early settler life. Which in its own right would have been fun to experience, not knowing the technologies we use on a day to day basis currently. 
Anyhow, the incident of the weekend happened right before hunting time, around 3pm, on Saturday. My older brother and I were goofing around, after was given by the opposing party. I then proceeded to slug him in the shoulder twice, the second time he decided to put a low-ball scotch glass in the way of his shoulder. My hand then went directly into the glass, shattering the glass with blood instantly squirting out of my hand. My thoughts exactly, "O fuck, fuck I hit a tendon, my life for the next three months is over. What a fuck, putting a glass up as a defense move while goofing off." On the way to the ER, due to my hand bleeding profusely, I was thinking that I get to experience the Socialist Canadian Healthcare System. Walking into the ER was an entirely different experience than in the States, as I have been there my fare share of times. Everyone in the
 waiting room was smiling with no worried patrons in sight. Initially I thought I was definitely in the wrong place, looking around I confirmed this indeed was the ER. They checked me in, a doctor who was scheduled to leave waited around to stitch me up, and I was on my way. Easy enough. Him being a Michigan Grad put me slightly at ease and I inquired as to where the rest of the staff was educated, most being educated in the States. The doctor was also eager to tell me how excited he is about Barrack Obama being the new president. If he can change America's image worldwide, I'm with him 100%. Anyway, four stitches were placed in my hand and the glass luckily missed my tendon by a hair. Thank fucking God for that one. 

Will my luck run out? 
- I hope not.
-Beware of the black swan. 

Friday, November 14, 2008

Story Lines Followed More Closely

Leaving the Grand Blanc theatre after being part of the first audience to see Quantum of Solace, the new James Bond flick, I have feelings of amazement and dismay simultaneously. I enjoy how after Pierce Brosnan they have started to glamorize bond less and follow the original story lines that were written by Ian Fleming. The originals portrayed Bond as the more human secret agent who felt extreme feelings of anger, passion, hate, revenge, whereas the more glamorized Bond was a womanizer who only cared about the cool gadgets he was using, if his car had the invisibility option, and if he was going to get some good old fashioned Pussy Galore. Since Daniel Craig has taken the Bond role, the character has become not only more human but more realistic in the stunts being preformed. The stunts I am mainly referring to have to deal with some of the outrageous gadgets, which are ridiculously sweet most of the time no doubt, but a bit unrealistic
Make sure of two things before you see this film. 1). Watch the end of Casino Royale to get a feel for Quantum Solace, as it begins just twenty minutes after Casino Royale ends. (If you don't own it, check out 2). Make sure you sit in the back of the theatre for this flick, I was in the middle section with ample leg room but a sore neck from following all the action. The cinematography was excellent but quite a bit shakier than usual. They had to accentuate the fight scenes somehow so when bond is kicking everyones ass on the screen, the camera appears as if it might too have gotten its own ass kicked. Sit in the back to make up for the immensely shaky camera. 
The beginning of the movie, with a badass car chase scene, catches your attention right away. Especially with how cool Bond drives away after defeating all bad guys, acting as nothing has happened other than his Aston Martin receiving minor damage. The bad guys in this film were very real and doing things such as exploiting third world countries, that makes this film more believable than its predecessors. Although the ending of this film has to be worked on a fair amount. Bond comes into the film wanting revenge for the people who killed his love and leaves empty handed, not even with the new Bond Chick, Olga Kerylenko. Though there is much controversy over the new Bond girl being fiercely independent with her own agenda and there not being enough sex in the film, yes and no. Yes, due to the pattern of the Bond girls and no due to sex between them might have ruined the film. Can't say enough about the new English Cool as redefined by Daniel Craig. Yes, we have all heard rumors of him getting hurt on set but can you tell me with a straight face that he sucks as Bond? Don't even try. Watch Layer Cake if you would like to see where he emerged onto the main stage, excellent English Gangster film. 

Trevland Rating: 4 out of 5 stars - Quantum of Solace

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Detroit in Turmoil

If you haven't been watching what is going on in the auto industry the past few years and how it has been getting worse and worse, get your head out of the bag it's in. There are so many reasons GM is in its current situation. Where shall we start? Beginning with the biggest problem facing all three automakers, being the lack of innovation. They have been putting out variations of the same cars for far too long while foreign car makers grab more and more of the market cap. Thomas Freidman offered a priceless piece of advice in his recent article, How to Fix a Flat, saying "somebody ought to call Steve Jobs, who doesn't need to be bribed to do innovation, and ask him is he'd like to do a national service and run a car company for a year. I'd bet it wouldn't take him much longer than that to come up with the GM iCar." That very well might be the innovative spirit GM needs. Next, the cash problem facing our American Automaker. GM burned through $2.3B in October, estimated the automaker burns through over $1B a month and will be bankrupt by the end of the year baring no bailout. Government assistance is needed for these companies to stay alive.
Congress denied GM's initial request for $10B and said it will give the industry as a whole $25B to make cars more fuel efficient. Well why are the American cars such gas hogs to begin with? Safety standards that have packed on a few hundred extra pounds might have added to them being less fuel efficient, definitely. Another main problem the automakers are dealing with is the proud UAW (United Auto Workers Union). This group of inefficient workers, their pensions, healthcare plans, overpaid wages, and underworked hours is one of the biggest problems GM especially has to pay for. "Lets punch in, do work for a few hours, go home and take a nap, then have our buddies punch us out. Ha we sure fooled them." Geez Mr. Union Employee, you definitely fooled your employer. These people should be held responsible if the auto maker goes bankrupt in my opinion. 
Poor management is another example of this company's past steps toward its current downward spiral. In talking to a family friend yesterday whose husband is a junior executive at GM, she told me stories her husband would relay back to her about how bad the management really is. These individuals would fund vacations with company money, be on the clock while at home, and most importantly, only want to stick with what GM has been doing since they joined the company. This brings a phrase to mind, "change or die." Obviously the original strategy sucks a fat one and it needs to be revamped asap. Hopefully things will change soon and this old-style of managers will either retire or be forced out of the company, in order to let new ideas and most importantly innovation run free in the conference rooms. Restructuring this company, starting with management, is the most important move GM can hope to make for any future whatsoever. How crippling is this? Read this article.

One last thought to leave you with - the auto industry in Detroit is responsible, directly and indirectly, for employing almost 3 million people. There are also two GM retirees being paid benefits/pensions for every US zip code. Can you afford to pick up the slack? 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Things I Currently Dig

Some people like to schedule their lives around Television shows, not I. 

Use either:  or for any TV Shows, Movies, etc. anytime you want them. (With the exception being Bottle Rocket of course.)

Watching the two best shows on television currently - Entourage and Californication. 

Entourage, being created by Marky Mark himself, always give a half hour feel good presentation. Following around the career of actor Vincent Chase and his posse of goons - Drama, Turtle and E, which have a one of a kind dynamic guaranteed to please the pickiest of TV viewers. 

Californication follows the conquests of one sex addict, David Duchovny, in and out of his family, random chicks legs, and the lives of his friends around Southern California. He brings a witty leftist view, as well as, clever commentary everywhere he goes. The best character being his filterless daughter who has to parent both her parents on regular occasions. 

Both of these shows are a must watch. 

In regard to music, I usually pick an artist and let Pandora figure out the rest. This brilliant idea is called The Music Genome Project. One easily selects a favorite artist or song and the site chooses other music you might enjoy that is similar to the chosen artist/song. Can't even begin to explain how many great tracks/artists I have found over the years through Pandora.
Otherwise I use Myspace to follow my favorite artists, their new music, and upcoming shows. 

The best dance-related podcast I listen to, that can be found through Itunes are:
The Gareth Emery Podcast - New house, electro, pop-electro, minimal, and very little trance. (Trance is for E heads anyway.)
MDB - Great UK station that plays everything from rock to chill tunes. I highly recommend downloading their recent Chillcast, as I have listened to it several times and it kicks ass.
MarcoV Topten - Marco V puts out the best tracks from the month on a podcast. 
Andy Moor's MoorMusic Podcast - usually a bit on the trancey side but fairly good tunes for a long run or workout with banging tracks in the middle portion. 

If anything, check out Pandora. The rest can wait for a rainy day. 


Monday, November 10, 2008

Has Someone Called The Chinese Wankers?

The other day I was cruising around the Reuters website and came across an interesting article about the Chinese People. The article talked about two things of particular interest to me: 1). their new $586billion stimulus package and 2). them calling on all the other nations of the world to reduce pollution. Okay, so the Chinese are having a small economic crisis as well and they need capital to stimulate their economy, stimulus package is justified. The second issue is a whole different story. I must say that I can't believe the gumption of these people, to call for all other developed nations in the world to reduce pollution/carbon output? This goes right along with the old saying - the pot is calling the kettle black. 
Let's now look at a few statistics and other relevant facts to this argument, before I personally rip into this radical statement. When you look at pollution hotspots around the world, the biggest concentrations are that of China and the US, China's being quite a bit larger than ours. Chinese factories do not contain any technologies to reduce pollution either. The chinese middle class is expected to grow to 700million by 2020. Due to China becoming the world's largest manufacturer 3/4 of their country is now desert from massive deforestation. 70% of the world's computers end up in China to be scavenged through for usable parts then thrown away to pollute the soil, water, and deteriorate ecosystems with toxic metals all over China. Such unchecked devastation will not only put an abrupt end to China's ever growing population, but it will also cause mortal havoc in societies and ecosystems all over the world. China, just a few years ago, overtook the US as the worlds leading CO2 emitter. 

With that being said, and surely there was a shit-ton of data not included, I think we all better take the next step in reducing our own pollution. China seems to have things under control, since they only have one person calling the shots as opposed to 400+, let's allow them tell us what to do regarding pollution control. Thanks for letting us know China, we'll get right on it. 

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Garble Jibble Jayble

Waking up without an alarm after a while becomes somewhat like a burden. I mean this as a two part answer – the first being that I enjoy waking up to an alarm at 6am when there are important things to be accomplished and the second part being that it is a burden having to sleep in, waking up realizing that there is nothing of importance to be done. Discouraging waking up on my own day after day. Life has purpose when things are orderly, organized, punctual, and most of all busy. Idle minds are dangerous things, idle hands breed the devils work or something of that nature. The religious quotes always get skewed.

This situation needs to be reconciled, first priority. People have recently told me to take advantage of this down economy by going out west to pursue other options. By taking this opportunity in Big Sky that is exactly what I intend to do. However, another part of me wants to get my professional (reality) life started. Why so soon? Too many ideas that need to be entertained in some fashion or another. In what field? Not a clue. Find a passion? Not anything that can be turned into a fiscally plausible career. Yes, things of this nature have been thought about but being back home has made me realize being in a small town is not the life I want to lead. 

            I read a study today that talked about bullies being amused by others going through pain. No shit? Wow, I really thought that bullies liked doing bully things because they cared about people. Why would a study like this made publications? Surprisingly it was in the Science section of Reuters, not the Oddly Enough section. While reading the article one thought kept coming to mind – was this even in question before research ws conducted? They found the bullies to be "cold and unemotional in their aggression." Usually when a child uses violence on another child the former has some sort of complex - no concern for human life being one of them. I'm sure with further research they will also find that these same "bullies" will be found to hurt/kill small animals. Don't look so shocked. 

Friday, November 7, 2008

Great First Steps

I thought that it would be a good idea to have a new perspective in the White House, even though I didn't vote for the man who won. Personally, I thought he was not the best choice but I gave him the benefit of the doubt when the American Public, by majority, chose him as the best option. Given that this whole election was a dilemma anyhow. Then I am researching his policies, seeing what can be put into play right away and what has to take a few years to be distributed and what do I see? I see the cabinet appointments. Are you fucking kidding me????? He appoints the risk manager for the former Bear Sterns as Fed risk manager??? This man may have been a major player in what happened to Bear Sterns and you want to put him in a federal position?? 
The funny thing is that appointment wasn't the worst of them. The worst appointment Obama has made thus far has to do with my home state of Michigan, which is and has been in economic turmoil for the past six or so years. Obama put Governor Granholm on his Economic Policy Board. You must be kidding me. The woman has completely destroyed the Michigan Economy and now she will be doing the same thing on the national level. The first thing she did in office was raise small business taxes, which run Michigan by the way, and then tried to instill a business to business tax. This is absolutely ludicrous. When an economy is doing poorly, the first thing anyone should do is make that geographic area attractive for businesses, not impossible. 

Mr. Obama has already started to destroy free markets. 

Nasty Tasting Mints

We have all gotten the mints on our check at the end of a meal. This is an effort by the waitstaff to receive a bigger tip in giving out mints before the bill has to be decided. Being a very selective individual when it comes to the type of mints I will actually ingest, this very gracious act can work against certain staff trying to help themselves out. I consider myself very generous, always giving the benefit of the doubt on service and usually dish out at least 20%. For me to give less than the standard twenty percent, the waitstaff has to do absolutely nothing or perform so badly that I want to walk out the restaurant all together. Hearing how tough it is to work in the service industry, especially in a major metropolitan area, these people deserve to be treated well - meaning tip-wise. That being said, skip the before mints and ask for a preference when first taking any orders. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ever sit back, open your window and listen to the rain falling while you are trying to fall asleep? I highly recommend doing this completely relaxing activity. Falling asleep listening to the rain as we speak...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Peace of Mind/?

All anyone wants in life is to reach a level of complete happiness accompanied with peace of mind. The question at hand - what is happiness to you? Is it the G5 sitting in a hanger used only a few times a year? Is it the dog waiting for you to get home and play? Is it the belt that would completely tie together your outfit for Saturday night? The Zegna suit that takes up 1/3 of your bonus but turns every head for the next year? Is it being the most fit individual wherever you are? Climbing every peak that rises above 11,000 ft across the Northern Hemisphere? Is it coming home to your family during holidays? Giving or taking? Helping or hurting? Traveling or sitting in one place? Being one who passes by or makes an impression? A statistic or an outlier? Open or closed? Breakable? 
I would imagine that when one acquires that which makes him/her completely satisfied, they will indeed find peace of mind shortly there after. Someone who's opinion I value once told me that it is virtually impossible to find peace of mind. She also mentioned the only reason people do things is due to boredom. It may be the case that peace of mind is impossible to achieve, therefore one must only be able to obtain that point by either being dead or immensely satisfied. 

One is only coasting in life while going downhill. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


As it has been anticipated over the last few months, the election for the 44th President of The United States has taken place and a winner is chosen. If there has been any doubt over the last few weeks who was going to end up taking the top spot, that individual obviously doesn't know how to read let alone talk to other human beings. Being from the opposing side for various reasons, I have already embraced the fact that my party lost. Not a huge deal considering what was promised and what can actually be delivered, bottom line. My only hope is that in the next four years Obama will change the way other countries view America. Being able to travel freely, not being disguised as Canadian, without ridicule is all I really ask for. The man will bring a new perspective into office, have majority rule in all three branches, and begin a new era. 
In my short life i have never seen anything like this and probably never will again for the rest of my life. This presidential election has changed the way black Americans view opportunity. There is no one who can say, "you can't do this because you are a different color." Obama has defied all boundaries. "Wake up, wake up, it's a new era." However, the American people do need to realize what a president can promise while on the campaign trail and what they can actually do while in office. Such as - revamping the healthcare system - not a small order and no universal solution, meeting with threatening world leaders under no preconiditions - not smart potentially hazardous, raising business taxes - small businesses drive this great country and without them being able to support themselves and their employees, goodbye, etc etc. Obama needs to figure out what will realistically be accomplished and what needs to be changed. Good Luck 44th President - you certainly have your hands full. 

Embrace the change.  

Monday, November 3, 2008

Complete Boredom

Since packing up my car, leaving Chicago, and arriving back in my hometown of Fenton Michigan, I have come to quite a few realizations. The first being that there is absolutely no point in being here unless you have a family, business, or are planning on littering the earth with your offspring in a short period of time(sooner rather than later). My older brother and I spent all day moving patio furniture from the back deck into the barn, sorting through an old woodpile, and splitting new wood for a new one. These list items that seem like they would take a few short hours took all day and will take the rest of tomorrow to complete. Not that I am complaining about this, yard work used to be one of my favorite past-times, I just find it to be rather uneventful. 
This past weekend I had two good friends make the journey home with me, Ryan and Patrick. Ryan and I have been great friends since we met playing golf years back and I then met Patrick through Ryan a few years after that. Both great guys who are always interested in having a great time, drama free - the way to be. One thing I did notice that was rather bothersome being one to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest extent was that getting fucked up seemed to be their number one priority. Granted the time we all share together may mainly revolve around some sort of alcoholic beverage but having a good time shouldn't require that. Come to think of it, the most fun activity of the weekend was playing touch football. Brought us all back to the playground. Only point here: I just wish they would want to do certain things minus alternative substances and without being prodded into them. It may be the difference in between city and country life but it could be something more along the lines of what that individual specifically grew up do
In all honesty, when I was working on the Don's new tractor today it was extremely satisfying. I had to change a few hydraulic hoses around, move some other equipment, and change different parts on the tractor itself. I felt like I was back ten years ago having my father explain all the different parts on each machine and how each was related to the next. It was very satisfying and rewarding to be doing something that I am truly gifted at doing. Granted I will not be working on machinery to make a living but it will always be something that I enjoy and am naturally talented at. Working on equipment and figuring out how things work has always fascinated me. In hindsight it should've been engineering instead of international business, whatev. 
Since my o so lovely sister wanted to be mentioned this post, I will now go on a tangent about our relationship that I find has been very progressive. We never particularly got along as children, me picking on her to no end didn't help. Not entirely sure of the exact reason other than her being the youngest and a girl to boot. (Hence - no good reason). It wasn't until later on, somewhere around mid high school where we finally clicked and started getting along quite well. I think that figuring out how similar our personalities were was the final catalyst to spur the friendship into what it has become now. I truly enjoy how she speaks her mind, has little filter, and is hilarious. She and I were sitting in her room just bullshitting about whatever and she came up with a pteradyctal that could be used as transportation who also ate people Chelsea didn't care for.
 At the time, and still to this day, we laugh about the list of people who get fed to the pteradyctal. Absolutely hilarious. 

Greatness, destined for greatness. 

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Moving Life

In the past seven months I have moved my life three times. The first being the transition from undergraduate life, graduating, back home. This move was the hardest due to the ridiculous amount of shit that I had accumulated over the past three years of living in the same apartment. The second being the slightly risky move with no job down to Chicago pursuing something outside of small town America. The second move was more exciting than it was difficult, packed up what would fit into my vehicle and moved into an extra room my cousin had vacant. Relatively easy move being that I moved in with an extended family member, however weird his family may be. (That's a whole separate issue.) Finally, the third move that is taking place is happening tomorrow - from Chicago to Fenton. Not exciting whatsoever but mandatory at the time. 
The initial move from school to home was rather relieving in that I was done with the undergrad life a year or so prior to that anyway. Looking to do something that actually mattered, other than study for some pointless exam that will not help me in the business world anyway. Yes, I understand the thought of teaching hard work, preparation, details, organization, etc., but how is knowing which literary work best relates to art-deco architecture really going to help?? Deals get done by people who know their product, competition, capabilities, and customer, not the bonehead who is afraid of people but happens to have a 4.0. A good portion of the successful people I have met, that is individuals who own and grew their own business, don't have a college education and happen to be overwhelmingly intelligent. Not to discredit education but that shalt not be the sole factor. Point of my rambling: hard work and knowledge trump book smarts. 
Moving from home to Chicago was easy. The city is new, exciting, unknown, uncharted, mysterious, etc.. Everything one might want in a place where they don't have to drive in order to find some form of life. Yes, Fenton has its moments but it is fairly barren for the excited people people. Onto the next - Moving from Chicago back home is slightly more difficult. Leaving some good friends, something to do on weekdays, random schizophrenics on the bus, good public transport, acceptable tapas outside of Spain, diverse things to do, a great blues bar - Kingston Mines, every different type of person one could imagine, more than one good restaurant, a beautiful lake, runs where you never see the same things/people, blah blah blah, the list could be as long as this entire page. 

The first week back should be very interesting. Halfway excited, that may be an exaggeration. Ha

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Numbness Without Clarity

Enjoy the chase, makes the prize even that much more desirable. 
Don't go hunting in a game preserve. How would you like to be chased around a cage with firearms? Cheating bastards.
Don't pee into the wind.
Use strong words only when they need to be used. Abusing certain phrases/words hurt their credibility.
Peer pressure is a bitch, don't believe the hype.
Do what you want, when you want to do it, while you still can. 
Aim small, miss small. <--(Only refers to shooting) Bigger risk, bigger reward. 
No one likes the pessimist who waits for the wind to stop, some like the optimist who waits for the wind to change, everyone likes the realist who adjusts the sails.

Basically rambling on and on about random phrases some might want to read, especially the one about peeing. These are just things that came to mind while I lie in bed thinking thinking thinking sleepless. Sheep being counted by the thousands, but there is only one thing that occupies my mind. Another boomerang has entered my soccer match. The problem with this particular boomerang is that it hit me in the head, face actually, and I want it to stay in the game. Unfortunately with the circumstances at hand, that isn't plausible but it is understandable. Listening to Kate Nash and Smoosh on Pandora brings up many reminders, all good things that make a country even smaller. Iff. 


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Boomerangs Come Into Play

Someone has thrown a few boomerangs into my soccer match. This has become a favorite expression of mine, which I must add is truly original as well, since it was created in the summer. That is exactly what has happened over the past two weeks. When I thought everything was good to go back to dreary Fenton/out west, wooosh, that blasted boomerang comes into play. Yesterday I received a phone call about a position dealing with forecasting/financial analysis, which happens to be what I have been looking for in the first place, that led to today's interview. The interview itself went well enough to land a second, where I will have to make a major life decision - Should I stay or Should I go now? (Had to quote the late great Clash) However, this is not a major life decision. I'm faced with two favorable outcomes here - ski all winter or take said job, given the chance, and further career. Hmmmm.....
A mentor of mine named John Kwecien told me two things to live by, "invest in prostitution" and "you have the next six years to fuck around, the prime earning years are your thirties anyway." Even though it is hard to pass up the first thing to live by, the second is more than half true. Prime earning years are in the thirties paired with all the knowledge/experience gained from your twenties. Said experience could be skiing for a winter perhaps. Who knows???? This is a question to take up with the late great Aunt JoJo, damn you cancer - The Official Bitch. 
Yes, this opportunity has not yet been laid out to my very hands just yet but I find it rather amusing how timing has taken place throughout my life. (Pandora plays great tunes) There is no defined linear progression, more like extreme outliers. On the brighter side of life, having choices is better than no choices at all. 


Monday, October 27, 2008

Equipment Malfunctions

While playing cards with some good friends today, the object I make phone calls from fell two feet to the floor. This crash made the instrument malfunction for the next two hours, turning on and off, making noises, doing security checks randomly, and blinking the red light indicator for messages. I would not have normally found this so annoying but due to an interview that could change the future that takes place tomorrow morning, I was a bit irritated. Not that it could make such a drastic impact on what could potentially happen in the next few years. So I played with this phone for a few hours getting nowhere in the process until making it back to my apartment, handing the phone to my roommate, and him magically fixing it in the process. Do I have any idea what he did that made the phone work like new? Not a clue. The important thing is is that it works again. 
Don't we all hate when something is supposed to work and then that thing doesn't work, especially when it is needed? This argument goes back to be dependent on technology for functioning in society everyday. I know that I feel at least partially naked when I don't have my cell phone on me. It has become a burden. The best summer in my existence was in Europe, which happened to be minus cell phone. No one to call in boredom, no missed calls to respond to, text messages, etc. I do enjoy talking to and spending time with people but when you add a cell phone to the equation, all hope is lost to gain full attention. Even though I try my best to enjoy the time I spend with people, it's hard to turn off all communication with everyone who isn't there. We are all guilty of this and need to make it a point to spend quality time with people we care about. 

Turn it off. TURN it off. Off

Giant Mirror

Being that my homepage always opens to Reuters, I am able to get the latest news/oddly enough items. Opening the page just a few minutes ago, something shocked me that is being considered as a plausible solution to global warming. The idea is this: lets place a 3000 tonne mirror-like structure out into space in order to reflect some of the suns rays away from the earth. Allow me to ponder this thought for a moment. Someone wants to take 100 space shuttle flights over 100 years to assemble a giant mirror up in space to combat a problem we are facing now. Gee, don't let everyone immediately jump on that bandwagon. What are the potential hazards of this giant structure orbiting around earth, covering the suns rays?? - It could fall out of orbit and come crashing down out of the sky, killing thousands of people, it could inhibit plant growth/farming if the mirror stays over an area for an extended period of time, it could shift the seasons, it could be hazardous for other space missions in the future, etc etc. There are numerous potential hazardous things that could result from placing a giant mirror into space. Not a good idea. At best this ginormous orbiting object could ward off the suns rays for a short period of time, resulting in temporarily lower temperatures. I'm just glad that I will not be around when this mirror starts its orbit.  

Monday, October 20, 2008

Salmon Success

Had a great salmon fishing weekend in Baldwin, MI with Brandon and Garrett Peabody. They have taught me many things about how to salmon fish, what works and what doesn't work. Two great dudes who have become two of my really good friends. After two previous trips of being skunked, I pulled out three salmon and hooked onto at least six more. The weather was sunny around 50 and down to around 30 at night. It was a gorgeous weekend and I hope there will be many more just like this one in the near future. 

Lost in Translation

An old friend of mine was here in Chicago for the past couple of days, making rounds before he leaves civilization to become an islander. He has always been a great philosopher, meaning professional storyteller, always taking something and making it into an overextended fantastical exaggeration. Most of the time the stories related to real life, what is actually happening in the world, what people are dealing with on a day to day basis, and how where I am in my life means something in the bigger picture. More or less relating old proverbs, influential writers, Taoist writings, bhuddist teachings, etc. to what we are all experiencing. Taking things and trying to make sense out of them but also adding in drug, fighting, sex, passion, hate, love, suicide, and everything in between mixed in with all of it. 
It was always enjoyable talking with Ian because it made me feel like I was getting a philosophy lesson as well as hanging with a good friend who has been through quite a lot in his short-lived lifetime. The last two days of hanging out and listening to what he has to say, what decisions he is facing, and his overall perspective, I have come to the conclusion that my friend is completely and utterly full of shit. 100%. This is a disappointing realization but when someone tells you that, "life is a video game and I would rather be dead cuz I am destined for something better than this. Hard work doesn't mean shit, do what you want and fuck all the girls you can. The only thing I fear is having a kid but I'm not going to wear a condom." I sat today and listened to why he wants to leave the world, he wants to die. It went back and forth from hating the video game of life to boxing to kicking in frat house doors for the hell of it. This dude happens to be 25 and have only one brain, being his jewels. I love the guy to death and would take a bullet for him any day of the week. I found it slightly entertaining listening to everything he had to say, just one line after another that made no logical sense. The topper was going into Panera Bread, ordering second he chose the seating, so I walk around the corner and he is sitting at a long table with ten chairs. Granted there are quite a few people in the restaurant but still open tables. He picked the biggest and most ridiculous place to sit. 
When I think about this, I think - that's just him, that's just how he is. Being mildly hungover, it was difficult to take it all in stride. Let people be themselves and enjoy them for it. Don't try to change people. If they are overwhelming, take them in small doses. Relax. 

End of.