Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Peace of Mind/?

All anyone wants in life is to reach a level of complete happiness accompanied with peace of mind. The question at hand - what is happiness to you? Is it the G5 sitting in a hanger used only a few times a year? Is it the dog waiting for you to get home and play? Is it the belt that would completely tie together your outfit for Saturday night? The Zegna suit that takes up 1/3 of your bonus but turns every head for the next year? Is it being the most fit individual wherever you are? Climbing every peak that rises above 11,000 ft across the Northern Hemisphere? Is it coming home to your family during holidays? Giving or taking? Helping or hurting? Traveling or sitting in one place? Being one who passes by or makes an impression? A statistic or an outlier? Open or closed? Breakable? 
I would imagine that when one acquires that which makes him/her completely satisfied, they will indeed find peace of mind shortly there after. Someone who's opinion I value once told me that it is virtually impossible to find peace of mind. She also mentioned the only reason people do things is due to boredom. It may be the case that peace of mind is impossible to achieve, therefore one must only be able to obtain that point by either being dead or immensely satisfied. 

One is only coasting in life while going downhill. 

1 comment:

Lily Q. said...

not everything is done out of boredom, just nearly everything.