Thought for a second that I could type my normal speed minus two fingers, evidently not. Did some innocent animal killing over the weekend, also referred to as "killing god's creatures." Regardless, duck hunting is an activity that brings one closer to their father/brothers, encourages shooting of things flying through the air, allows for judgement practice, and most of all tastes absolutely delicious. Unlike restaurant duck, wild ducks are able to develop muscles and with the right marinade (olive oil, garlic, soy sauce, hint of salt, and cracked pepper) makes even my mouth water whilst writing this entry. Does that make me a vegan? Apparently not. Duck hunting is something I have enjoyed since about the age of 8, and frankly I am quite good at it. Ducks fly in but not many make the flight out. It gives you a perspective on how long your patience tolerance is, how good your aim/lead judgement is, and if you were cut out for early settler life. Which in its own right would have been fun to experience, not knowing the technologies we use on a day to day basis currently.
Anyhow, the incident of the weekend happened right before hunting time, around 3pm, on Saturday. My older brother and I were goofing around, after was given by the opposing party. I then proceeded to slug him in the shoulder twice, the second time he decided to put a low-ball scotch glass in the way of his shoulder. My hand then went directly into the glass, shattering the glass with blood instantly squirting out of my hand. My thoughts exactly, "O fuck, fuck I hit a tendon, my life for the next three months is over. What a fuck, putting a glass up as a defense move while goofing off." On the way to the ER, due to my hand bleeding profusely, I was thinking that I get to experience the Socialist Canadian Healthcare System. Walking into the ER was an entirely different experience than in the States, as I have been there my fare share of times. Everyone in the

waiting room was smiling with no worried patrons in sight. Initially I thought I was definitely in the wrong place, looking around I confirmed this indeed was the ER. They checked me in, a doctor who was scheduled to leave waited around to stitch me up, and I was on my way. Easy enough. Him being a Michigan Grad put me slightly at ease and I inquired as to where the rest of the staff was educated, most being educated in the States. The doctor was also eager to tell me how excited he is about Barrack Obama being the new president. If he can change America's image worldwide, I'm with him 100%. Anyway, four stitches were placed in my hand and the glass luckily missed my tendon by a hair. Thank fucking God for that one.
Will my luck run out?
- I hope not.
-Beware of the black swan.
You're a fuck
wildly attractive. still no competition for pat's bloody hand pics though, try harder.
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