Monday, October 20, 2008

Lost in Translation

An old friend of mine was here in Chicago for the past couple of days, making rounds before he leaves civilization to become an islander. He has always been a great philosopher, meaning professional storyteller, always taking something and making it into an overextended fantastical exaggeration. Most of the time the stories related to real life, what is actually happening in the world, what people are dealing with on a day to day basis, and how where I am in my life means something in the bigger picture. More or less relating old proverbs, influential writers, Taoist writings, bhuddist teachings, etc. to what we are all experiencing. Taking things and trying to make sense out of them but also adding in drug, fighting, sex, passion, hate, love, suicide, and everything in between mixed in with all of it. 
It was always enjoyable talking with Ian because it made me feel like I was getting a philosophy lesson as well as hanging with a good friend who has been through quite a lot in his short-lived lifetime. The last two days of hanging out and listening to what he has to say, what decisions he is facing, and his overall perspective, I have come to the conclusion that my friend is completely and utterly full of shit. 100%. This is a disappointing realization but when someone tells you that, "life is a video game and I would rather be dead cuz I am destined for something better than this. Hard work doesn't mean shit, do what you want and fuck all the girls you can. The only thing I fear is having a kid but I'm not going to wear a condom." I sat today and listened to why he wants to leave the world, he wants to die. It went back and forth from hating the video game of life to boxing to kicking in frat house doors for the hell of it. This dude happens to be 25 and have only one brain, being his jewels. I love the guy to death and would take a bullet for him any day of the week. I found it slightly entertaining listening to everything he had to say, just one line after another that made no logical sense. The topper was going into Panera Bread, ordering second he chose the seating, so I walk around the corner and he is sitting at a long table with ten chairs. Granted there are quite a few people in the restaurant but still open tables. He picked the biggest and most ridiculous place to sit. 
When I think about this, I think - that's just him, that's just how he is. Being mildly hungover, it was difficult to take it all in stride. Let people be themselves and enjoy them for it. Don't try to change people. If they are overwhelming, take them in small doses. Relax. 

End of.

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