Friday, November 7, 2008

Great First Steps

I thought that it would be a good idea to have a new perspective in the White House, even though I didn't vote for the man who won. Personally, I thought he was not the best choice but I gave him the benefit of the doubt when the American Public, by majority, chose him as the best option. Given that this whole election was a dilemma anyhow. Then I am researching his policies, seeing what can be put into play right away and what has to take a few years to be distributed and what do I see? I see the cabinet appointments. Are you fucking kidding me????? He appoints the risk manager for the former Bear Sterns as Fed risk manager??? This man may have been a major player in what happened to Bear Sterns and you want to put him in a federal position?? 
The funny thing is that appointment wasn't the worst of them. The worst appointment Obama has made thus far has to do with my home state of Michigan, which is and has been in economic turmoil for the past six or so years. Obama put Governor Granholm on his Economic Policy Board. You must be kidding me. The woman has completely destroyed the Michigan Economy and now she will be doing the same thing on the national level. The first thing she did in office was raise small business taxes, which run Michigan by the way, and then tried to instill a business to business tax. This is absolutely ludicrous. When an economy is doing poorly, the first thing anyone should do is make that geographic area attractive for businesses, not impossible. 

Mr. Obama has already started to destroy free markets. 

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