Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Boomerangs Come Into Play

Someone has thrown a few boomerangs into my soccer match. This has become a favorite expression of mine, which I must add is truly original as well, since it was created in the summer. That is exactly what has happened over the past two weeks. When I thought everything was good to go back to dreary Fenton/out west, wooosh, that blasted boomerang comes into play. Yesterday I received a phone call about a position dealing with forecasting/financial analysis, which happens to be what I have been looking for in the first place, that led to today's interview. The interview itself went well enough to land a second, where I will have to make a major life decision - Should I stay or Should I go now? (Had to quote the late great Clash) However, this is not a major life decision. I'm faced with two favorable outcomes here - ski all winter or take said job, given the chance, and further career. Hmmmm.....
A mentor of mine named John Kwecien told me two things to live by, "invest in prostitution" and "you have the next six years to fuck around, the prime earning years are your thirties anyway." Even though it is hard to pass up the first thing to live by, the second is more than half true. Prime earning years are in the thirties paired with all the knowledge/experience gained from your twenties. Said experience could be skiing for a winter perhaps. Who knows???? This is a question to take up with the late great Aunt JoJo, damn you cancer - The Official Bitch. 
Yes, this opportunity has not yet been laid out to my very hands just yet but I find it rather amusing how timing has taken place throughout my life. (Pandora plays great tunes) There is no defined linear progression, more like extreme outliers. On the brighter side of life, having choices is better than no choices at all. 


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