This past weekend I had two good friends make the journey home with me, Ryan and Patrick. Ryan and I have been great friends since we met playing golf years back and I then met Patrick through Ryan a few years after that. Both great guys who are always interested in having a great time, drama free - the way to be. One thing I did notice that was rather bothersome being one to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest extent was that getting fucked up seemed to be their number one priority. Granted the time we all share together may mainly revolve around some sort of alcoholic beverage but having a good time shouldn't require that. Come to think of it, the most fun activity of the weekend was playing touch football. Brought us all back to the playground. Only point here: I just wish they would want to do certain things minus alternative substances and without being prodded into them. It may be the difference in between city and country life but it could be something more along the lines of what that individual specifically grew up do
In all honesty, when I was working on the Don's new tractor today it was extremely satisfying. I had to change a few hydraulic hoses around, move some other equipment, and change different parts on the tractor itself. I felt like I was back ten years ago having my father explain all the different parts on each machine and how each was related to the next. It was very satisfying and rewarding to be doing something that I am truly gifted at doing. Granted I will not be working on machinery to make a living but it will always be something that I enjoy and am naturally talented at. Working on equipment and figuring out how things work has always fascinated me. In hindsight it should've been engineering instead of international business, whatev.
Since my o so lovely sister wanted to be mentioned this post, I will now go on a tangent about our relationship that I find has been very progressive. We never particularly got along as children, me picking on her to no end didn't help. Not entirely sure of the exact reason other than her being the youngest and a girl to boot. (Hence - no good reason). It wasn't until later on, somewhere around mid high school where we finally clicked and started getting along quite well. I think that figuring out how similar our personalities were was the final catalyst to spur the friendship into what it has become now. I truly enjoy how she speaks her mind, has little filter, and is hilarious. She and I were sitting in her room just bullshitting about whatever and she came up with a pteradyctal that could be used as transportation who also ate people Chelsea didn't care for.

At the time, and still to this day, we laugh about the list of people who get fed to the pteradyctal. Absolutely hilarious.
Greatness, destined for greatness.
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