Thursday, December 11, 2008

Death of a Good Cause

While sitting at work today three of my limit orders had failed to progress past the point of being executed by Etrade, which has been more of a hindrance than anything in the last week. Awaiting a bailout for GM specifically, I had some orders out to take advantage of the bailout. In part I am glad they weren't executed due to afterhours talks being killed in the senate. The senate opposition made absolutely no sense to me, I guess I'm just a lowly consumer who knows nothing about what it takes to succeed in manufacturing. On a real note - what the fuck? How is the greedy senate, after the house passing the bailout measure, going to stop all hope of chance?
In reading the bill presented by Mr. Frank and all the laid out stipulations, which granted there were a few unrealistic stipulations, I thought the auto makers would be in the clear giving them the much needed liquidity/loans to continue operations. Yes, they need to be more competitive with foreign manufacturers. Yes, they need to be more efficient and lean in operations. But then again, look at the foreign automakers now, they aren't making sales, meeting demand of which there is none, or being competitive at all either. Toyota is now paying millions in storage space for all the product not being sold, no disposable income. People are sitting on their old cars due to market fear and uncertainty of having a job tomorrow. This is no way to live, fearful of tomorrow. Not to mention our lame-duck president who is sitting in office screwing up everything, mainly environmental issues, that will take Obama half of his first term for reversals. Bush has done nothing to save American manufacturing, just watching it die die die. 
Being directly tied to this portion of the GDP in that my family is heavily vested with automotive, I have no idea what will happen to Export Corporation. My father and grandfather worked their tookus' off to make that company what it is today just to watch a measure destroy any hope of future auto business. They will be one of the suppliers who will be proper fucked by the GM bankruptcy, not getting paid for an insurmountable period of time if at all. Let's just hope they can hang on through this travesty. Do they even comprehend what this is going to do to the economy? This is directly linked to around three million jobs. The financial markets crashing laid off hundreds of thousands, just wait for the millions who lose their jobs in the coming months. Obama, you are the only hope. 

Completely scatter brained regarding these recent events, pissed off, and angry with the stupidity of the people who had control of this. They sit so high "representing" the American consumer and have not the faintest idea of their actions. So many things could be presented, let's just see the trickle down effect in response. 

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