Friday, November 21, 2008

Continued Media Destruction

A news story has been running on most major networks the past 24 hours about Sarah Palin's controversial background choice. She chose to do an interview in front of numerous turkeys being slaughtered as her background. No the turkeys weren't being killed with an ax on a chopping block, more like a giant cone where you couldn't see what was happening anyway. MSNBC made an even bigger deal by blurring out the turkeys unfortunate death because apparently people with xray vision can see through the steel cone and witness the turkeys head being chopped off. Evidently she was asked before beginning the interview if the background was alright, replying "no worries." Did she really know what was going on behind her or is she totally oblivious? If she knew and didn't care I would venture a guess Mrs. Palin thought it would be in the spirit of Thanksgiving. Who can honestly say they give a shit about the turkeys being killed and go eat one with family next week? Hypocrites. Give the woman who has vision for a few hundred miles a break. I wouldn't put it past her to slaughter a few after the interview with her Burberry scarf on, she would want to swing the ax, guaranteed. 
Stop pestering Palin, the woman is most likely torturing small game to drown her public humiliation/embarrassment. Who is suffering now? I'd bet she knows all the ways to skin a cat and would be happy to share them with Martha Stewart, could be her next show's craft, Alaskan style. 

Tell me honestly that a bear rug in your office doesn't mean business. 

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