Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Snowy Day Browsing/Procrastinating

When I should be packing for the long haul out west, I find myself easily distracted looking at different blogs from adventure to testimonial to music. I randomly came across this blog recommended by New York Magazine with all different genres of music with insightful reviews. It was recommended as one of the top 5 blogs to check out. The author, Matthew Perpetua, takes his time finding new music and writing very detailed descriptions of each song. The best part about the music he finds, other than the description of course, is the Quicktime link that allows you to listen to each and every song posted. Genres range from Europop to Indie to Rock to Electro, I even found a few Smashing Pumpkin bits in there from rather recent postings. 

"Musicians, take note: It is probably a very good idea for you to write catchy songs about being broke and/or desperately wanting money right about now. They don’t have to be miserable, mind you — it’s probably for the best to lean in the direction of this Wiley single, which balances out the frustration of insolvency with a perky, can-do optimism. Wiley’s verses are energetic and enjoyable, but his lyrics are largely beside the point — he’s basically just doing a hip hop stock move, i.e. “I come from nothing, but I’ve made some money from my music, and so I will flaunt it a bit without forgetting my roots.” The real action is in Mark Ronson’s musical arrangement and Daniel Merriweather’s chorus, the latter providing the bulk of the song’s emotional resonance, and the former lending the track a jolting sense of urgency. When the galloping beat overlaps with Merriweather’s white boy soul — actually, his voice sounds more than a little bit like that of Damon Albarn — the song just sparks, and kinda zaps you into its hustling state of mind."
-Matthew Perpetua

The intricate, well thought-out wording used by Perpetua almost makes you want to get up and dance, write your own song, and blast the stereo like Michael Jackson's - Black or White

Check it out here: FluxBlog 

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