Saturday, December 27, 2008

Away For The Holidays

As most of you already know, I was far far away for the holiday season this year and as much as I appreciated the highly intoxicated phone calls late at night, fuck, they pissed me off as well. Not only did I have to hear family and friends having a crazy good ole time in my absence, each and every one of them made it their purpose to let me know just how much fun was being had. Granted, I was skiing fresh champagne powder on Christmas day, something no one else I can think of at home was doing. I also enjoyed the sheer thrill of opening my gifts via webcam in front of the family who is half a country away. Future reference - open gifts on webcam if away for the holidays, it does supply some of the sought after "oooossss" we all love hearing whilst opening gifts. 
In all actuality being away for the holiday season is not the worst thing in the world, especially if you are working. At least then nothing feels terribly out of place. I was able to pass up endless amounts of dishes, waiting for my siblings to open their presents just to tear through my own, the dogs being terrorized by having to wear antlers (poor gay Drake was humiliated), the uncertainty of a white Christmas in Michigan, and everyones favorite - having to pretend getting yet another pair of pajamas was a great idea. Yes, I missed my family dearly on that day and being away for Christmas will not be a regularly occurring theme but skiing on Dec 25th was a great gift to myself. 

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