Sunday, November 9, 2008

Garble Jibble Jayble

Waking up without an alarm after a while becomes somewhat like a burden. I mean this as a two part answer – the first being that I enjoy waking up to an alarm at 6am when there are important things to be accomplished and the second part being that it is a burden having to sleep in, waking up realizing that there is nothing of importance to be done. Discouraging waking up on my own day after day. Life has purpose when things are orderly, organized, punctual, and most of all busy. Idle minds are dangerous things, idle hands breed the devils work or something of that nature. The religious quotes always get skewed.

This situation needs to be reconciled, first priority. People have recently told me to take advantage of this down economy by going out west to pursue other options. By taking this opportunity in Big Sky that is exactly what I intend to do. However, another part of me wants to get my professional (reality) life started. Why so soon? Too many ideas that need to be entertained in some fashion or another. In what field? Not a clue. Find a passion? Not anything that can be turned into a fiscally plausible career. Yes, things of this nature have been thought about but being back home has made me realize being in a small town is not the life I want to lead. 

            I read a study today that talked about bullies being amused by others going through pain. No shit? Wow, I really thought that bullies liked doing bully things because they cared about people. Why would a study like this made publications? Surprisingly it was in the Science section of Reuters, not the Oddly Enough section. While reading the article one thought kept coming to mind – was this even in question before research ws conducted? They found the bullies to be "cold and unemotional in their aggression." Usually when a child uses violence on another child the former has some sort of complex - no concern for human life being one of them. I'm sure with further research they will also find that these same "bullies" will be found to hurt/kill small animals. Don't look so shocked. 

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