Friday, December 5, 2008

Life in the Middle of Nowhere

As you already know, I have made a recent left turn in my life to pursue the ski bum lifestyle (with a little bit of work included there somewhere.) Who is actually talking about the work? Not I. This new style has started in Big Sky Montana, where the skiing is big and the landscape is even bigger. Majestic mountain, I must include. (See aforeposted photo). After a week of living here, the swing of things is starting to find me. Coming from life in a city, small town, and a college town, Montana is a drastic change being that like life in Hawaii - don't do it, let it happen. Seems as though everyone is here to work to ski or just working with no general direction of what they actually want. Some of accounting people in my office don't even ski, wtf are they doing in Big Sky? The other item that slightly irritates my being is the lack of motivation and passion in professions, aforementioned reason for being in MT. I am here for a purpose, that purpose being to work, be innovative, make improvements, and learn as much as I can, however, when I complete all work needed to be done I search the office for work. This searching has been fruitless. Granted, it is slow period and some entities are not open yet but I hate going to work and ending up on Gmail Chat or surfing the news. Is it wrong to want to work. Most significant obstacle faced with: calming down, enjoying the skiing, and learn as much as possible. 

Most recent regret: quitting the job I wasn't hired for, placed into rather(beyond the point really), at Mars. Regrets get one nowhere, stop regretting. 

"Worries, regrets, and complaints solve nothing. They change nothing. Rather they undermine your health, your social environment and your quality of life." - Alexander Green. 

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