The other day I was cruising around the Reuters website and came across an interesting article about the Chinese People. The article talked about two things of particular interest to me: 1). their new $586billion stimulus package and 2). them calling on all the other nations of the world to reduce pollution. Okay, so the Chinese are having a small economic crisis as well and they need capital to stimulate their economy, stimulus package is justified. The second issue is a whole different story. I must say that I can't believe the gumption of these people, to call for all other developed nations in the world to reduce pollution/carbon output? This goes right along with the old saying - the pot is calling the kettle black.
Let's now look at a few statistics and other relevant facts to this argument, before I personally rip into this radical statement. When you look at pollution hotspots around the world, the biggest concentrations are that of China and the US, China's being quite a bit larger than ours. Chinese factories do not contain any technologies to reduce pollution either. The chinese middle class is expected to grow to 700million by 2020. Due to China becoming the world's largest manufacturer 3/4 of their country is now desert from massive deforestation. 70% of the world's computers end up in China to be scavenged through for usable parts then thrown away to pollute the soil, water, and deteriorate ecosystems with toxic metals all over China. Such unchecked devastation will not only put an abrupt end to China's ever growing population, but it will also cause mortal havoc in societies and ecosystems all over the world. China, just a few years ago, overtook the US as the worlds leading CO2 emitter.
With that being said, and surely there was a shit-ton of data not included, I think we all better take the next step in reducing our own pollution. China seems to have things under control, since they only have one person calling the shots as opposed to 400+, let's allow them tell us what to do regarding pollution control. Thanks for letting us know China, we'll get right on it.
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