Some people like to schedule their lives around Television shows, not I.
Use either: or for any TV Shows, Movies, etc. anytime you want them. (With the exception being Bottle Rocket of course.)
Watching the two best shows on television currently - Entourage and Californication.
Entourage, being created by Marky Mark himself, always give a half hour feel good presentation. Following around the career of actor Vincent Chase and his posse of goons - Drama, Turtle and E, which have a one of a kind dynamic guaranteed to please the pickiest of TV viewers.
Californication follows the conquests of one sex addict, David Duchovny, in and out of his family, random chicks legs, and the lives of his friends around Southern California. He brings a witty leftist view, as well as, clever commentary everywhere he goes. The best character being his filterless daughter who has to parent both her parents on regular occasions.
Both of these shows are a must watch.
In regard to music, I usually pick an artist and let
Pandora figure out the rest. This brilliant idea is called The Music Genome Project. One easily selects a favorite artist or song and the site chooses other music you might enjoy that is similar to the chosen artist/song. Can't even begin to explain how many great tracks/artists I have found over the years through Pandora.
Otherwise I use
Myspace to follow my favorite artists, their new music, and upcoming shows.
The best dance-related podcast I listen to, that can be found through Itunes are:
The Gareth Emery Podcast - New house, electro, pop-electro, minimal, and very little trance. (Trance is for E heads anyway.)
MDB - Great UK station that plays everything from rock to chill tunes. I highly recommend downloading their recent Chillcast, as I have listened to it several times and it kicks ass.
MarcoV Topten - Marco V puts out the best tracks from the month on a podcast.
Andy Moor's MoorMusic Podcast - usually a bit on the trancey side but fairly good tunes for a long run or workout with banging tracks in the middle portion.
If anything, check out Pandora. The rest can wait for a rainy day.