Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year, More of the Same

Let's take a look back on this past year for a few minutes and reflect on the choices we made. On second thought that would be an entire waste of time, that we could be used more effectively looking forward. Foresight is something my grandfather was and father is quite good at, must have been a generation skip....damn. I'll look into it.
I love hearing the term - New Years Resolution. Although this year in particular there has been a drastic decrease in the amount of resolutions I have heard. That might have something to do with the change of pace out here in the Big Sky State or people finally realizing those grandiose promises last a mere few weeks. My all-time favorite resolutions have to do with getting back into shape. Being a frequent gym goer, you tend to recognize the frequent other people who are regularly in the gym. Come January there is a slew of "outsiders" who clearly don't belong, will crowd the equipment for weeks doing as little as possible, then vanish into thin air leaving the regulars their coveted space once again. 
My dealings with the resolution crowd consist of having numerous friends make obviously ridiculous claims to be fulfilled within the next year only to fail miserably a few weeks (maybe) later. Personally, I have fooled around with a few over the years only to find out they never work. I have found those types of promises to be more effective if made by you and told to no one else, therefore if imminent failure is the conclusion only one person knows. But if you succeed, by God I hope you do, internal happiness trumps all others. 

Self improvement. Personal growth and development. 

Make a New Years Resolution to be a better person. Yes, this may sound cliche, difficult for some, and impossible for those of you who, like me, are perfect, try it anyway. 

Happy 2009.  

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