Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The thought was to start out this vary post with the definition of home or something similar to that, but I couldn't think of anything more juvenile and cliche than doing that. Obviously the saying goes something like home is where the heart is or where you most feel comfortable. Well, in my case, home is Big Sky at the moment. I have made great friends here, am kicking ass that gets recognized at work, have been offered other positions, am enjoying the laid back Montana lifestyle, have a great group of friends with similar views/opinions, and absolutely love being surrounded by terrain on all sides. Driving to work every morning with a view of the very majestic Lone Peak brings a smile to my Midwestern face every time. 
Home might be here, it might be somewhere different. For the time being, I am loving my current situation. Some might even say - the ideal situation. Have to admit that being rejected from the first of four positions I have recently applied to in NYC gave me a bit of relief. Shortly afterward the recruiter emailed to give her support and reassurance of there being three other positions she applied me to, one of which being the one she specifically talked to the hiring manager. Great.... If its not broke, don't fix it. 

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