Thursday, January 22, 2009

Articles and Relevance?

Browsing through the news on Reuters and Google News today, after finishing my work for the morning of course, I came across two pieces of news that have been talked about and popular over the past few days. The first being the story about the two men in China who were poisoning little children, crib midgets mostly, with a substance in their milk. Six of these babies died while injuring over 300,00 more, with the Chinese Government keeping the total count a secret due to the communist thing over there. The intention of the two men was to pass their milk on protein tests by using melamine, which produces a false positive for protein on said tests. Well now, the Chinese Government is sentencing these two men to death. What did they do one might ask? They tried to cheat the system and lower their input costs to eventually make a larger profit. Do these two deserve to be put to death? Maybe. I say maybe due to the fact of this was not done to intentionally mass kill children but to save money and increase profit. On the other hand, shouldn't they suffer more than just being put to death, maybe something along the lines of extreme humiliation first? This is quite a commercial crime. Then again there have been numerous ingredients put in products before that are known to be harmful eventually leading to the death of children. Anyone remember the lead paint?
The second article on Reuters I found this morning, that was somewhat in the wrong not looking at the overall economic picture is an article regarding "Green" home improvements. Green technology being a money saver in our economic situation. Mainly, this article is missing the facts about just how much it costs initially to purchase these Green products that will save money, wait for it, over a period of some odd ten years or so. These technologies will save people money after the outrageous initial cost puts a massive hole in their wallets. People do not have the readies lying around at present to sink into these green technologies. No, I don't have the actual facts and figures in front of me at this moment and will not speculate as to a number but they are not cheap. Of all groups, the UN said this. Enjoy your new solar panels guys.

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