Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tid Bits, Fits, Incoherent

As per my own request after talking to Lily Q about the infamous goat cheese omelette, I did one take, my first in front of the camera in a few years, to film a How To Goat Cheese Omelette. That hilarious yet informative video can be seen on Youtube here. It starts out with a rather mumbled stuffy version of an introduction to the ingredients used and next goes into the steps taken to complete said omelette, with only one burning sequence. However, in that burning of my hand I refrained from yelling obscenities, that would make the video less family friendly. The best thing about this video is how I had just rolled out of bed not more than ten minutes before shooting, as well as, published the first take. Another take was done the day after, my thinking - what the hell, it's already uploaded to Youtube anyhow. 
President-Elect Obama was named Time person of the year today amongst intense competition. Was there really any other competitors? The man has beaten all odds in becoming the first black president, coming from a single family home, and raising record funding for any political campaign in all of history. The real competition was for runners up, which included Henry Paulson(wtf?), Nicholas Sarkozy, Sarah Palin(really?), and Zhang Yimou. This got me thinking about who is on the selection board, what is the process like, qualifications to be considered, etc. Are there nominations? Is there a board? How does one go about getting on said board? I might like to select a Person of the Year in the near future, the process alone intrigues me. 

If you have any info on how to get a seat on this board, send it my way. 

One of Obama's new interests has recently become frightening little children, hilarious. The threats of making their school days longer would sound terrible if I were one now but is completely logical, rational, and educational, most importantly. 


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Lily Q. said...

true, the video was highly informative and also quite funny.