Saturday, December 27, 2008

Away For The Holidays

As most of you already know, I was far far away for the holiday season this year and as much as I appreciated the highly intoxicated phone calls late at night, fuck, they pissed me off as well. Not only did I have to hear family and friends having a crazy good ole time in my absence, each and every one of them made it their purpose to let me know just how much fun was being had. Granted, I was skiing fresh champagne powder on Christmas day, something no one else I can think of at home was doing. I also enjoyed the sheer thrill of opening my gifts via webcam in front of the family who is half a country away. Future reference - open gifts on webcam if away for the holidays, it does supply some of the sought after "oooossss" we all love hearing whilst opening gifts. 
In all actuality being away for the holiday season is not the worst thing in the world, especially if you are working. At least then nothing feels terribly out of place. I was able to pass up endless amounts of dishes, waiting for my siblings to open their presents just to tear through my own, the dogs being terrorized by having to wear antlers (poor gay Drake was humiliated), the uncertainty of a white Christmas in Michigan, and everyones favorite - having to pretend getting yet another pair of pajamas was a great idea. Yes, I missed my family dearly on that day and being away for Christmas will not be a regularly occurring theme but skiing on Dec 25th was a great gift to myself. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Average Joe to Superhero

Listened to the most fascinating radio show on NPR after yoga class and a full day of champagne powder skiing, that was amazing btw, last evening. The show brings in people working on the most obscure and out of the ordinary projects to talk about what the project is and what developments have come from it. A professor of neuroscience and kinesiology, E. Paul Zehr, has recently written a book called - Becoming Batman: the Possibility of a Superhero. He started off talking about the differences between Batman as opposed to other superheroes in regard to Batman having the human element with no "super-powers" per se. Batman cannot fly, does not have x-ray vision, possess super-human strength, etc etc. He merely possesses the inner rage of seeing his parents get killed before his very eyes at a young age and has been trying to rid the world of scum ever since, Gotham first I might add. 
Mr. Zehr talks in his book, as well as, on the program about how an average person could quite possibly become the next Batman. In a very detailed fashion, Zehr laid out what Batman does possess - inner rage, years of martial arts training, knowledge of many different gadgets, a daredevil like mindset, an excessive amount of peak physical conditioning, ability to work an entire day as a company executive then becoming the superhero saving the world at night, just to name a few. Zehr next went into the training aspect a normal average person would have to incur from a very young age - martial arts training, strict diet, very demanding daily workout, position of high power both in career and social contexts, at least a few hundred million USD's, and a working knowledge of how to stop villains without mortally injuring them. He estimates this training taking anywhere from 15 - 17 years, not to mention the total career time of this ordinary person becoming batman being maxed out somewhere around 3 years. This due to lack of sleep, the physical demand on the body, and staying under the radar. 
The final question is - can anyone become a superhero on the same level as Batman? The answer to that question according to Zehr is absolutely. Personally, I think the training and steps leading up to becoming Batman or something like him, would be close to the equivalent of an Olympic athlete except out of the spotlight with little coaching. So, yes it can be done but that is the only thing one would accomplish in a lifetime. Is it worth it? Hell yes. 

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Old English, Spinning Timelessly

Old memories, friends, sentimental items, things that are still being lamented about. Drop the melody and let the light shine though. Yes, that was meant to sound as southern gospel as possible in order to spice up your life, as a spice girl in the 90's put it. Today a woman came down to the lowly accounting office and demanded we give her the quarter that was recently stolen from her by the tampon machine. It took everything I could then muster up not to laugh hysterically while falling on the ground. She was completely upset that her lady needs had been put on hold by a quarter eating machine and demanded we right the situation IMMEDIATELY. 

"I bid you good day sir." 

A new office friend of mine, Tim Molsberry, have been discussing all things from literary works to the piracy in Somalia to surfing, of which he did as a teen in Hawaii, to the death wish of people who have tattoos and smoke cigarettes. This death wish being my favorite topic as he pegged me being the kid who enjoys the casual smoke whilst drinking, once every blue moon as the phrase goes. Tim is well read, has lived in most every different demographic state-wise, and has been in the same department but more importantly job, for the past 22 years. That kind of restriction, monotony, boredom, etc etc etc would leav
e me hanging with shit all over my dead body(that's what happens after death by hanging.) The man is very interesting to talk to and has been around for 58 years, works for him is all I have come up with. Some people, my east-coast douche of an offic
e supervisor, belittles and ridicules the man. This is the 
on uncool individual in the entire office. 
Went to what is known as a "rail jam" last evening. They setup a rail for skiers and snowboarders to slide down any which way for one hour while people watch and take photos. Happy to say I helped the park crew out making this event a success and was offered a job in the process, the parks manager claiming I was "more useful than most of these burnouts." Ha we later enjoyed a beer talking about the non-office staff, including some in the office, not knowing proper english. Being born and raised in Montana without formal education, he was well versed in english and well read. Surprising. Think the worst so that when expectations grow past the bottom rung, the day is then made a miracle. 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tid Bits, Fits, Incoherent

As per my own request after talking to Lily Q about the infamous goat cheese omelette, I did one take, my first in front of the camera in a few years, to film a How To Goat Cheese Omelette. That hilarious yet informative video can be seen on Youtube here. It starts out with a rather mumbled stuffy version of an introduction to the ingredients used and next goes into the steps taken to complete said omelette, with only one burning sequence. However, in that burning of my hand I refrained from yelling obscenities, that would make the video less family friendly. The best thing about this video is how I had just rolled out of bed not more than ten minutes before shooting, as well as, published the first take. Another take was done the day after, my thinking - what the hell, it's already uploaded to Youtube anyhow. 
President-Elect Obama was named Time person of the year today amongst intense competition. Was there really any other competitors? The man has beaten all odds in becoming the first black president, coming from a single family home, and raising record funding for any political campaign in all of history. The real competition was for runners up, which included Henry Paulson(wtf?), Nicholas Sarkozy, Sarah Palin(really?), and Zhang Yimou. This got me thinking about who is on the selection board, what is the process like, qualifications to be considered, etc. Are there nominations? Is there a board? How does one go about getting on said board? I might like to select a Person of the Year in the near future, the process alone intrigues me. 

If you have any info on how to get a seat on this board, send it my way. 

One of Obama's new interests has recently become frightening little children, hilarious. The threats of making their school days longer would sound terrible if I were one now but is completely logical, rational, and educational, most importantly. 

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Frigid, F*ck My Fingers

Once I walked out the front door at a quarter to six this morning and my boys retreated right back up into the warmth, I had an idea of just how cold it was. The day started out around 5 degrees, which is enough to make your bullocks tingle, ending around the -10 region down here in the meadow. Up on the peak is an entirely different story being that the first ski run started around 3 degrees -10 windchill, only to be -7 with a -15 windchill less than two hours later. With the snow accumulation of over six inches in the last fifteen hours the Lone Peak Tram opened up Liberty Bowl and all its glorious waist deep powder. Being from the Midwest hardpack skiing environment, I indulged hard. After only a few hundred feet down the 10,400+ft peak of paper accompanied by paper thin breathing, my quads screamed for a relief. Well boys, hold on, this is too good to stop. Every turn was like busting through cloud after cloud of pure powder, no matter how many other enthusiasts had been there on opening day to soak up all they could handle. The bowl was truly magnificent.
Not until trekking down the cat track was I able to rid my fingers of the burning sensation from the below zero temperatures penetrating right through all the cold weather gear. Skiing the pure goodness that is powder makes one forget about such things as being cold, and prevents the much dreaded pussy remark from your group. When your hands go from warm to burning hot, meaning the sensation is like fire they are so cold, you know the weather is not conducive to skiing all day. Luckily it was only my ski break, therefore I was not wasting an unbelievable powder day due to the conditions. 

Days in Montana: 13
Days Skied: 10
Powder Days: 2

Satisfaction Precedent Cont.

The previous nights post is not to say striving for the best, something better, more, beyond, is a desire one shouldn't have. It was simply saying to be content whilst striving for the next step, happiness is not determined by material or status but rather within. 

A few of my infamous poster quotes:

Mediocrity is not acceptable.

Contention is self attained, personally achieved.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Satisfaction Precedent

We all set precedents of where we want to live, what sort of environment, who we surround ourselves with, how far from family (50%+ live within 50 miles of home, thanks Lily), what we want to do for a profession, and most importantly how we want to live. Take a second and ask yourself if all the criteria mentioned above has been met or will be met in the near future. Yes, this is a life glimpse, per se. Take a long hard look at your current situation. Do you have steps to climb? Are you at least partially satisfied or just looking to complete the next phase? With the next phase will you truly be pleased there or just waiting for the next one following?
One thing I have learned from living in Montana this short period of time, just less than two weeks, is that the majority of people here are more than content whether they are working the lifts or are owners of a business. Life is short, why chase what may or may not make fill the void? 

Notice: Yes, these are life ramblings intended to be taken with a grain of salt, but valid nonetheless.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Death of a Good Cause

While sitting at work today three of my limit orders had failed to progress past the point of being executed by Etrade, which has been more of a hindrance than anything in the last week. Awaiting a bailout for GM specifically, I had some orders out to take advantage of the bailout. In part I am glad they weren't executed due to afterhours talks being killed in the senate. The senate opposition made absolutely no sense to me, I guess I'm just a lowly consumer who knows nothing about what it takes to succeed in manufacturing. On a real note - what the fuck? How is the greedy senate, after the house passing the bailout measure, going to stop all hope of chance?
In reading the bill presented by Mr. Frank and all the laid out stipulations, which granted there were a few unrealistic stipulations, I thought the auto makers would be in the clear giving them the much needed liquidity/loans to continue operations. Yes, they need to be more competitive with foreign manufacturers. Yes, they need to be more efficient and lean in operations. But then again, look at the foreign automakers now, they aren't making sales, meeting demand of which there is none, or being competitive at all either. Toyota is now paying millions in storage space for all the product not being sold, no disposable income. People are sitting on their old cars due to market fear and uncertainty of having a job tomorrow. This is no way to live, fearful of tomorrow. Not to mention our lame-duck president who is sitting in office screwing up everything, mainly environmental issues, that will take Obama half of his first term for reversals. Bush has done nothing to save American manufacturing, just watching it die die die. 
Being directly tied to this portion of the GDP in that my family is heavily vested with automotive, I have no idea what will happen to Export Corporation. My father and grandfather worked their tookus' off to make that company what it is today just to watch a measure destroy any hope of future auto business. They will be one of the suppliers who will be proper fucked by the GM bankruptcy, not getting paid for an insurmountable period of time if at all. Let's just hope they can hang on through this travesty. Do they even comprehend what this is going to do to the economy? This is directly linked to around three million jobs. The financial markets crashing laid off hundreds of thousands, just wait for the millions who lose their jobs in the coming months. Obama, you are the only hope. 

Completely scatter brained regarding these recent events, pissed off, and angry with the stupidity of the people who had control of this. They sit so high "representing" the American consumer and have not the faintest idea of their actions. So many things could be presented, let's just see the trickle down effect in response. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Looking to Buy? Picks Below

From the title alone, one might think that I will be suggesting some stock picks for these "market deals." Sorry to disappoint but that is not my intention, as I was beaten to a pulp after suggesting to a friend something to buy last year when this pick went sour. Of course he shortly realized afterward I suggested that he short - note to all: don't participate in the market if you have no clue what that particular term means. From that point forward, making suggestions is childsplay, a rather juvenile thing to do unless one is willing to do their own research to prove said picks worth. 
The item I am referring to in the title is Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat. The market value for such a powerful item has yet to be found but I'm sure if you ask Illinois Governor Blagojevich (soon to be former) he could give you a fair price. That is as long as you provide a high paying job for his wife as well. Hearing about this news on Bloomberg this morning made me think, "shit I don't have to go to law school to get one of the highly competitive senate seats, I'll just pay for it." Of course I would also need a few million USD's and in these credit conditions, that may be a bit impossible. A call will be placed to Nana shortly for sponsorship, which I will tell her just how wonderful of a person, baker, grandmother, and most of all, sponsor of her grandson the new senator from Illinois. 
Yes, getting to that level of office merits the person there some perks that could include removing those from the press that criticize you, selling prestigious positions of government, putting your wife on corporate boards, taking a "substantial" salary from a non profit organization (this one particularly boils my blood), and who knows what else will emerge in the next few days. Wow, I want to be governor. The first thing that comes to mind upon hearing this news - "Is this common of people coming out of the government in Illinois?" 

Monday, December 8, 2008

The Year Outlined - Bests

This article in New York Magazine outlines the best of just about everything culturewise for the year - films, dvds, singing actresses, superlatives, performances, plays, etc. Just look for yourself, omfbj. 

Powder Pup

Had one of the messiest prime ribs last night at Oasis in Manhattan, Mt. This piece of meat was definitely the juiciest, most flavorful, largest, and most filling slab of grass chewer I have ever eaten. That paired with some good ole Montana Potatoes, a more than ample serving of blue cheese salad, and garlic bread that melted in my mouth. (I'm drooling while writing this btw). I shared this meal and massive food baby afterward with Stone Cold (Uncle Dave for those of you in the circle, believe me, it's a place everyone aspires to be in). The conversations with Uncle Dave varied from the process of soil nails to infrastructure investment(which was proposed by Obama just today) to water vapor being the biggest greenhouse gas and finally wrapping up with his friend the pollock back in Michigan. One of the perks of being out here in Montana, I truly enjoy spending time with/hearing the opinion of Uncle Dave.
Last night it began snowing heavily down here in the meadow, which is a little less than 1,000 vertical feet from the base of Big Sky. The predictions of snow had for once been right. Waking up to a snow covered car on my day off was a delight. Getting to the first chair with over a foot of fresh powder was wonderful. Having fresh tracks all day after a long night and day of skiing = priceless. Being exhausted after skiing all day was a much welcomed relief to all the hard work I have been doing....HA. 
Let's breakdown what my work days have consisted of thus far. - Get in early, around 7:30 to start the "busy" workday. I receive all the postings and revenue from the previous days from the various vendors owned by Boyne at Big Sky. These numbers are then placed into a daily report for Boyne Corporate that has to go out before 12pm. There are two other reports I am responsible everyday, which are the daily statistics of sales, visitors, skiers, other revenue, lodging, etc. All this work is usually done within the first three hours and at the time of completion I promptly look for more projects to work on, either by asking people in my department or being innovative on my own. Well being innovative in an environment not
 conducive to such thinking, is quite difficult and frustrating. My boss told me to "chill" the other day, really. 

Adjusting to the hella relaxed Montana work and leisure life. 

-Photos were taken today. Over a foot of fresh powder, wonderful. 

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Statement of Competency

If, by chance mind you, I am living in either Chicago, New York, LA, or other major metropolitan city next fall, I will run in their fall marathon. Stated. Set. In. Stone. 

Note how pleased dodgy character in photo appears. Don't you aspire to be him?

Friday, December 5, 2008

Life in the Middle of Nowhere

As you already know, I have made a recent left turn in my life to pursue the ski bum lifestyle (with a little bit of work included there somewhere.) Who is actually talking about the work? Not I. This new style has started in Big Sky Montana, where the skiing is big and the landscape is even bigger. Majestic mountain, I must include. (See aforeposted photo). After a week of living here, the swing of things is starting to find me. Coming from life in a city, small town, and a college town, Montana is a drastic change being that like life in Hawaii - don't do it, let it happen. Seems as though everyone is here to work to ski or just working with no general direction of what they actually want. Some of accounting people in my office don't even ski, wtf are they doing in Big Sky? The other item that slightly irritates my being is the lack of motivation and passion in professions, aforementioned reason for being in MT. I am here for a purpose, that purpose being to work, be innovative, make improvements, and learn as much as I can, however, when I complete all work needed to be done I search the office for work. This searching has been fruitless. Granted, it is slow period and some entities are not open yet but I hate going to work and ending up on Gmail Chat or surfing the news. Is it wrong to want to work. Most significant obstacle faced with: calming down, enjoying the skiing, and learn as much as possible. 

Most recent regret: quitting the job I wasn't hired for, placed into rather(beyond the point really), at Mars. Regrets get one nowhere, stop regretting. 

"Worries, regrets, and complaints solve nothing. They change nothing. Rather they undermine your health, your social environment and your quality of life." - Alexander Green. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Big Sky Ski Bum (one step above)

My parents weren't so keen on the initial idea of moving to Big Sky Montana to work in the accounting department in the first place, as in "get a real job" kind of thing. Well guess what? I'm here and things have been great thus far, by great I mean I really like being out here at this point in my life but know this is wonderful for now. The first day of work consisted of four hours of work and three hours of skiing with my boss. Can anyone else say that? Highly doubtful. Granted, the work is menial and could possibly transpire into something greater with Boyne Inc, who knows who knows. 

Jumping topics like hopscotch in South Chicago at a slightly awkward family party (only slightly awkward of course). Haha

The people I am renting a room from have been more than accommodating, giving me an arrival dinner, lay of the land, and access to everything in the house. Which btw is an awesome newly built log home that is exactly what one thinks of when picturing life in Montana. The house is only six miles, 1,000 vertical feet, from the resort. A very scenic drive every morning and night, which brings a smile to my face every time. Enjoy what you have while you have it, life comes at you fast. 
I went with a fellow coworker, this Georgian Jodi who left her "favorite job" to live in Montana and ski, to a local brewery after work. The Lone Peak Brewery that is owned by a couple who have been literally all over the country. Steve, the owner, went to the Masters Brewing Program at UC Davis, traveled the country with his wife several times, and ended up living his dream of owning a brewery in Big Sky. I personally don't have the balls to do something like travel the country in a motor home but I do envy that kind of nomadic life, especially enjoy hearing about it. We tried all of his brews and chatted for a few hours, listening to all the life experiences/adventures this nomad has enjoyed. The Lone Peak has newly acquired a regular. 
View the majestic photo for a minute and honestly say that is somewhere you wouldn't want to be for a period of time...

Ski Ski SKI

Monday, December 1, 2008

Transporting Life, Yet Again

After Thanksgiving dinner last week, I got in the car with all my winter possessions, needed items, and some useless items, and began the drive westward. Of course I had to stop in Chicago to hang with my cronies for a few days, that is exactly what went down. Upon arriving in Chicago at the Quateman's house, Pat was absolutely shitfaced talking all kinds of nonsense that was as hilarious as it was personal defamation of character to himself. Eva was doing all she could to keep him out of the bourbon, however he was able to sneak a glass and down the entire glass in the same move. Hysterical. Next I was able to spend some time with Lily, who has become a truly good "friend." Whether we are being arrested, sent to bed by persons with wet dripping wet hair, or leaving the scene of certain Eurotrash, a good time is had by all.
The inevitable situation of leaving to traverse across the country had to happen following a much enjoyable lunch with Lily, Ryan, Pat, and Moe. Just thinking back on the less than two days spent there and multiple times with said people beforehand, only good memories come to mind. The good kind of reminiscing. At 1pm, the drive to Montana was started. Since daylight savings time is over, all the boring parts such as Minnesota, and South Dakota were traversed through at nigh time. Even though I had roughly eleven hours of sleep logged the previous two nights, I wasn't tired until around 1:30 am in the late half of South Dakota, upon which I promptly took 10mg of adderall. The worst portion of the drive happened around 3 - 5:30am in Wyoming on 90, where there was at least three inches of snow on the expressway, blizzard-like conditions, no visibility for more than 50ft or less, and multiple cars off the road. Another crack dosage was then taken, 35mph was driven for a little over two hours, and I am pretty sure that little episode took years off of my life. The shitty thing was that with so much upper in my system, every time I pulled over was a waste. I couldn't rest, sit still, or just sit and wait for it to be over, my mind and body said - lets fucking go man. And that's exactly what I did, driving behind plow trucks, when they were there, at 35mph with no other sounds than the wind gusts of snow on the car. 
When I finally made it to the Montana border, tears of joy were shed. Not only was my journey coming to an end but I had made it out the the worst possible driving conditions I have faced thus far in life. The sun was just rising when I entered Montana and it was certainly a gorgeous sight with vast terrain, snowcapped mountains, and a beautiful sun rising behind me. Visited with my uncle for a few hours, of which some was spent catching much needed zzzz's after 24 strait hours of driving, then continued on to my new place of residence. Initially I was planning on staying in employee housing but after finding this place on Craigslist, I was sold. Great log home, nice people renting the room, they have dogs - always a plus, king size bed that can sleep ten, and a welcoming meal upon arrival. Surprisingly, I was able to chat and sit through a normal meal before going into a much needed 11 hour coma. 

Things accomplished: nice Thanksgiving with family, spent time with good friends in Chicago, convinced certain "friend" to visit soon, drove 24 strait hours, and have a more than exceptional place to live for the next 4 1/2 months. Satisfied? 3/4 tank full.  

Quick Relevant Information

Research has shown that eating fast food is linked to more than solely becoming a fat bastard, they now think that it is directly related to causing Alzheimer's.