Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No Excuse

As you can obviously see, I haven't been keeping up on my writing. New motto to live by - no excuses. The excuses we all get from others are mostly complete bullshit anyway. Why were you late? Car troubles. Yeah right car troubles, what kind of car troubles? Biggest bullshit line anyone can pull, unless of course they have a receipt from a tow truck, donut on their car, or no car at all. A kid I grew up with, Matt Temple, had this yellow shirt he always wore to basketball practices in grade school with a list of excuses on the back of it. This shirt was quite ironic, being that Matt was usually late to practice with some odd/bullshit excuse. 
Nothing incredibly new and exciting happening. Life happens everyday and I take the days one step at a time, enjoying them in stride. 

Enjoy in stride. (might make a good t-shirt) 

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