Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Complete Uncertainty

The future is unwritten to account for complete and utter uncertainty in the world. If we all knew what was next, then why would we still be living? Or would it even be living? I would venture a guess to say that if you knew what was coming in the future we would all do one of two things. Sit back and enjoy what is coming or do whatever it takes to change that future. In which doing the former, one would totally fuck up any chances of having that future because you would feel entitled to it, therefore not working toward/against it. The person who sees their future as unfavorable would then do something differently to change whatever it may be, coming out in a more favorable position. This all being relative, would upset the natural universe, making us all peril in eminent tragedy.
I have always found that statistics play a large role in what people do and how they do it. Think about it for a second. People rely on the weather channel to tell them how large of a percent chance of rain there is today for them to take an umbrella to work. They look at the annual and 10K reports of a company to see if it is a smart investment. Numbers win games, determine grades, salaries, a persons wealth, whether they will buy this food or that based on nutritional factors, and many other uses throughout the day. How can someone not be a numbers person? We all are because we have to be, encountering them for every major decision we make in life, numbers somehow play a role. 
Uncertainty can be a good thing or a bad thing. It can make people feel uncomfortable, the markets hate uncertainty, and it gives others comfort due to the fact that they don't know what happens next. Personally, uncertainty has been good to me. However, I didn't used to be such a fan. HA. Right now my plans stretch as far as the end of April and will be figured out from then on. Sounds quite uncertain to me. 

UnCerTainTY uncerTAINty UNCERtainty

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