Friday, April 10, 2009

Too Quick

The end of the ski season came entirely too fast, even with being on the disabled list the past two weeks. We had cold and warm spells both in the past month giving everyone false pretenses of spring being here or not. The groundhog saw his shadow didn't he? Big Sky locals will tell you differently as we had the best skiing this March, powder days just about 4 times a week. Never in my life have I experienced a feeling quite like sailing through feet upon feet of powder with not a care in the world. It truly is magical hearing to whooosshh, fluff, and whiiisssppp of pulling about a G on deathly steep terrain. After those powder days concluded everyone can be found at their favorite watering hole telling stories of just how they shred the gnar on that particular day - who hit the Couloir, hiked A - Z's, hucked a phat cliff, you get the picture. Personally I enjoy telling stories to people who slept in on those days because without them the mountain would be much more crowded.
As this season comes to a close my options are fairly limited, with much uncertainty as to where I will be residing in the next few months. On one hand, I am always welcome back here in Big Sky working for the resort as I have made quite an impression on the management here. On the other hand, I have a great opportunity back in Michigan working for my father. Not everyone has the chance to spend that amount of time with the man who brought them into this crazy planet, let alone learn from him on a day to day basis. I feel like he is the most knowledgable and worldly individual I know who has not left the Northen Hemisphere. Very knowledgable and experienced in most things I too am interested in, especially on how to keep a company running in a failing American industry.
Leg permitting I will be on my way to do some surfing and travel in Costa Rica, Panama as well if I have time. Come Monday morning if I am not able to walk with a minimal amount of pain and discomfort, the trip is off. I see this as being fairly reasonable since both the doctors assured me I would be able to surf in a few weeks, 2-3 from the accident. Upon returning from Costa Rica I will be living at The Bone, the Peitz Ranch out here in Hall, Montana. Projects range from tiling a bathroom to building a 100yard gun sight range and of course fishing the area streams whenever I can. Also, Brando is coming out for a week in Mid-May to slay some fish and hang at the ranch. This is going to be an awesome month and a half, then clarity shall reign in.

Stay tuned.

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