Sunday, April 26, 2009


Lately I have been hearing a rather routine question from friends and family - "What the hell have you been doing out there?" To tell you the truth, the answer to that particular question is a lot of some things and little of others. Since my employment contract at Big Sky ended the 13th of April the main thing I have been doing is fly fishing. There is nothing better than being out on the water in search of a gill having monster lurking behind a rock just waiting to be fooled by the perfect cast and reeled in for a memorable photo before being released back into its habitat. There is something utterly tranquil and settling about being outside, surrounded by beautiful mountains, with good friends, and trying to master the art of fly fishing. I call it an art because everyone has their own variation of cast, mastery of float, genius of fly selection, basically boiling down to there being no one way to skin the fly fishing cat. 
Elsewise, I have been putting together and helping out with the project list at The BoneDance Ranch, also known as Peitz Land in Hall, Montana. Last weekend we built a fence around the camp ground portion, put together the military mash style tent Uncle Dave recently purchased, analyzed the "stock" (as the motto at the Bone is "in stock"), and put together a list for whence we return to civilization. I'm happy to say that from this Thursday on I will be spending the next month and a half at The BoneDance Ranch adding little things here and there to make it more complete, as well as, adding to my repertoire of handyman skills.  

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