Friday, March 27, 2009

Less news, more news

As my avid readers are most likely wondering what the hell I have been getting into lately out here in mountainous Western Montana, I'll have to give a bit of a rundown. 

Certain texts have been removed due to disapproval of readership.

The business practices I will take away from here deal with guest service. Working for Boyne you receive daily emails with Boyne Basics, which are daily reminders of how to be a better employee, host, and representative of Boyne. Things like - thank every guest, deliver individual service, use a person's first name, and so on, things that help one to be a better person. I feel like these are daily goals, giving people a focus everyday. Granted, some of these are common sense and others slightly retarded but most of them are fairly accurate in regard to how guests should be treated.

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