Thursday, March 26, 2009


Thoughts, thoughts, thoughts, what to do, what has been done, where to go next? The comment made by Hillary saying the US is responsible for the current drug war goings on in Mexico. In part this is true as we are the largest consumer of illegal drugs, cocaine especially. But then again where does a majority of the cocaine come from? Not mexico. May come through Mexico but not from there due to lack of resources to grow and manufacture the illicit white devil. The marijuana coming out of Mexico, from sources of mine who have consumed it, is complete garbage. So Hillary, instead of pointing out the obvious fact of Americans being a large center of demand for illegal drugs why don't you propose some sort of cease demand. Slow the demand, in turn the supply will slow to a halt driving the cartels into other ventures of exploitation. Come on Hillary didn't you learn this while puppeting Bill?

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