Thursday, March 12, 2009

Completely Mad

Has the world, or shall I say for the moment, The Americas, gone completely mad? Taking a look at the statement from Bernie this morning on exactly how easy it was for him to conduct the largest Ponzi Scheme in history, what the eff are these people doing? Bernie started his scheme in the early 1990's during a somewhat recession giving downtrodden people hope in uncertain times by forging profits and buys, as well as, moving money around from bank to bank. The man was a prominent member of the Jewish and financial communities before he started the scheme. Once he forged profits, Bernie became even more popular under the ever so comfortable umbrella of bullshit. What was he thinking to enact something of this caliber? $50B could not be hidden anywhere, let alone miniscule bank transfers from country to country. The man should have fleed after ten years of doing the scheme, but no greed had to win in the case of old Bernie. Now it's time to face the music and with life in prison Bernie will have the remainder of his existence to think about everyone he royally fucked.
We also have a shit storm in-brew down on the North side of Central America, better known as Mexico. Seems to me that the foundation of the Mexican Government is heavily rooted in corruption, has been and will be for quite some time if an entirely clean office is installed. Yeah right, let's be real. The drug/cartel wars are getting out of hand with numerous cops and civilians being killed daily. Should the US respond? Absolutely not. This is a Mexican issue and we should not get involved. The only thing we can do to help is increase drug awareness and prevention methods here on American soil. Decrease demand and the supply, ie cartels, will decrease in power as well. Simple economics really.

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