Thursday, September 4, 2008

Stormed In

This morning I witnessed my first infestation of cockroaches. In fact it was the first in-person sighting of a cockroach I had ever seen in my entire life. This was shortly followed by a few of the bug's friends, who ran under our dishwasher upon sighting a giant like myself. The first one is still in the kitchen under a cup, where I trapped him until I can think of something cool to do with him. My roommate Aaron was dared to eat him, this is still in question and I truly think he might just do it. Might take a few more minutes of convincing him of how good an idea it actually is. 
Waking up this morning I felt severe thoughts of negativity toward the day and what was to become of my moves within the next years to come. Might have been due to the weather being so crummy outside, being 66 pouring rain. These feelings are complete nonsense, one should never shy away from being positive at all times yet I found myself in a funk most of the day today. Looking over the LSAT prep book wasn't much help either, shit is hard to study being unenthusiastic. Point is that positive actions/thoughts/words lead to greatness/likability/success. Etc etc etc.

Think positive positive positive. 

A friend once told me - "what you think you are, you are." This man has no idea the impact of uttering those simple words. 

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