Friday, September 5, 2008

Coffee at 6pm

Yes the title reads exactly what time it is and what I am doing at this time as well. Why have an espresso shot at 6pm? The question really is why not? If you enjoy something, that thing should be at your disposal whenever you wish. Hell, if you feel like having a shot of tequila at 6am who should tell you that's not a good idea? Do what you want within reason. Obviously there are things that go against social norms, such as exposing yourself in public or getting absolutely blasted before work. Everything use, do at your own discretion. I take no responsibility for your actions or giving permission to take the much wanted 6am tequila shot. 
Downloaded a fantastic new podcast yesterday that I have listened to over 5 times since then. It's a new podcast by MDB called the Chillcast, I highly recommend it. MDB specializes in making diverse podcasts every few weeks that have recently ranged from 80's rock to hip-hop to dance beats to the most recent Chillcast. The newest one in particular is so good because it encompasses so many different types of "chill" music, from Lupe Fiasco to an Enya remix. All of the tracks on this podcast flow perfectly into one another and were all excellent choices. Initially I found this podcast by doing a search of Nickleback, trying to find out if they had or were heavily used in any podcasts and if there were set podcasts with music like theirs out there. Yeah yeah, you may be thinking that Nickleback is "the ultimate party killer" and I might agree with you on occasion. However, the band has talent and I enjoy their music. Going back to my original point, that is how I found MDB, being that they were a podcast who played Nickleback. 
I went to Depaul Law School today for a tour and information system on how they do things at a tier 2 law school and to check out the campus. Not much of a campus, partly due to the downtown Chicago location. Had they kept the law school concurrent with the rest of their facilities in Lincoln Park, it would be quite a bit larger. The assistant dean of admissions did the information session, which consisted of him talking about how much he loves Depaul and how Depaul is just as good, if not better than other schools ranked in the latter half of the top 50. The tour was given by a law student who is originally from Mississippi  and is studying Intellectual Property Law, specifically Art. Interesting girl who had a nice perspective on law. She admits that working non-profit pays nothing monetary wise but she loves the feeling of being a "good lawyer" at the end of the day. Helping people is her passion in life. I empathize with her, I constantly find myself in this same position. 
The question is - do you want to go to bed at night making a lot of money and barely impacting anyone's life or making ok money impacting people's lives? 
Answering this question determines how you do things and what motivates you. 

Think think think...

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