Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thought it turned

The thought from the very start of last week was that I was on top of the world. Had a new job, had quite a bit of readies left for investing, and was living in a great area. Well after the first day of work, the whole world came crashing down upon my head. My initial thought as to what I would have been doing at Mars was forecasting, market research, and other activities to make the Ethel's Chocolate Lounges profitable. NOT. Within the first few hours of being "trained" I found out that the whole job is data entry, mail retrieval, and other administrative work. When driving to my first day of work that morning I had this ideal work situation all thought out of how I would work hard, find errors no one else found, and be working in a fast-paced environment. Nope. The people were very distant, the plant was dreary, and the job was disappointing to say the least. Granted I did have extremely high expectations, lots of pressure from outside sources, and other opportunities outstanding. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side. 
Upon finding out what the real job entailed, I panicked. My first move was to write an email to TMG trying to get back into the second trading rounds. Got it back. Secondly I called a head hunter to get back in the running for their positions being recruited for. Lastly I called my father to explain the whole situation. He advised me not to quit and to talk to my bosses about the whole situation, who then told me that there is limited growth opportunity and the position was as seen that day. I then talked to another boss of mine later the next day who said that after six months I could look around for another position on my own, they weren't going to help me find whatever that may be. This news came as a surprise to me, for in the initial interview I was told of tremendous growth opportunities. Being sick to my stomach, not able to sleep, and getting my second trading interview back, I left Mars to pursue other interests. 
The trading interview consisted of math and logic exams before going onto round robin interviews with the various traders looking for new team members. Both exams were very difficult, but the interviews went quite well. More emphasis being placed on the former, I was not given an offer. This whole debacle was created by me making dumb decisions from the get-go by marrying the first girl I slept with(Mars). 
Looking Forward.
Can't sit and lament about the decisions I have made, just have to keep pushing away at more things to come. Plan B's have been starting to formulate in my head after the events of the last two weeks. Those will not be documented on this blog due to me wanting to find something that works before alternatives are put into play. My indecisiveness is also taken into account there. Game plan currently is to look for other options for the next week, if I don't find anything I have to move back to Fentucky MI. As much as I don't want to move home, two steps back are necessary for three steps forward. 
Hasta, bye, ciao..

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