Monday, August 11, 2008

Almost There

Seems like I might be getting close to the end of my entry-level job searching days in the Windy City. Some great things along the way and other dead ends with no further steps to be taken. In the beginning it was just connecting people, getting recommendations, figuring out industry specifics, making new network connections, and most of all - trying to find employment of some sort. There have been a few promises not performed, hopes sunk, and other mishaps along the way that have strengthened my view of giving people credit only if the job is completed. Not the best way to think about relationships but through and through I am reminded that if you want something done you have to do it yourself. 
A job was offered to me last week by The Boylston Group, an IT recruiting firm who operate out of five different US locations. The extent of the job would be making cold calls to get clients as well as employees for these clients, building relationships between the two people so that one person ends up with a job. Something didn't feel right about the office environment. Not entirely sure if it was the people, the office, or just my overall phobia of buckling down to the 60+ hour workweek. (When I was in the final rounds of the Cintas interviews, something inside me shut down and I was no longer able to finish on a good note. It was lack of wanting the position more than anything.) It's really weird how I do that and shift from one emotion to another almost instantly. The more important question is why? At any rate the Boylston job is there if I want it, to take or turn down. 
The trading shops I interviewed with haven't gotten back to me yet and all other prospects have also fallen through the cracks slowly slowly slowly. Crucial interview with Mars Inc tomorrow that could potentially be promising. (With that comes a marriage proposal from a friend of mine as well, haha.) I would be analyzing the sales data from their Ethel's Chocolate Lounge stores. Would beat out any sales position in part by using my God-given brain to analyze data and I would be working for a great company as well. I really want this position and hope that I can convey that message tomorrow morning in the interview. 
In my personal/friend life things have been almost the same. Made a few new friends here and there but I have also made a cut in the lineup. A good friend of mines brother lives here in the city who has turned out to be a self absorbed asshole, for lack of a better term. The whole time we are hanging out I constantly have to listen to bullshit and explain the meaning of common vocab words I use. You would think that Big Ten School kids were smart, yeah right. Not to mention how uncouth the kids manners/mannerisms are. Cut. However, I have become good friends with a guy who is a friend of a friends. He and I have a lot of the same values and same goals in life, which is good to be on the same page. Only problem is he leaves to go back to school in a few weeks, by then I will be so involved in work that my time will be limited. 
In the girl world not too many things have evolved. A few reasons why are that I have been concentrating so much on getting a job that my mind is occupied, I can't/won't deal with the drama associated with them, and don't frequent bars/other hot spots they frequent. It would be nice to meet someone to chill/party with every now and then, like my situation back at school ended up being. Always nice. Other than that I have been training for a triathalon that happens in a few weeks, I am really excited to compete again. Been training for it fairly extensively for it. 
Until I write again, I bid you good day.  

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