Monday, July 28, 2008


Well it seems as though the job market has dropped to an all time low, with current unemployment being 5.5%. In Michigan the unemployment is around 9%, the worst in the country due to the collapse of the auto companies. Lesson learned in these trying times? Don't put all of your eggs in one basket, make yourself more marketable, and pursue all available options. My search has flown from consulting to insurance underwriting, to trading, to wealth management, to restaurant management, back to HR consulting, and around the corner again to insurance. Basically pursuing all possible options with not many opportunities available, which is the reason I moved down here to Chicago in the first place. Little did I know that the opportunities I was originally pursuing have slowly and surely faded away in the form of others losing their jobs. This made me think - if others are losing their jobs there, this makes room for me to come in right? Wrong, no room for anyone without years and years of experience. Well how the hell am I going to get experience without a job? Hmmm... No investments for startups. This is in the banking industry for businesses and in the job market for people. You would think that people would want to invest in people, have some trust that someone will workout. I guess not now. The thing is that GDP has actually risen in the last year, yes this is due to the depreciation of the dollar making US products cheaper around the world. But recessions should only last around 10 months max, six or seven months more to go. Let's sit back and relax until it turns around....Yeah effin right!!?! Get a job you bum. 

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