Sunday, July 20, 2008


As I go on and on thinking about when the next piece of information will be coming across my path to alter my direction, I need to remember the most important thing about this, being the one who looks does not find. It has always boggled my mind that you will find something without looking for it? This may only be the case for things that are very in-depth such as deep questions, passions, and that special someone we all want to meet one day. Another good topic to cover in this nights blog - the special someone we are all looking for. I was recently told by my Uncle that you will be with only a few great women in your life, this may not be known at the time, but these women will present an opportunity. Do you know this at the time? Hell no you don't!! The whole premise for the argument is to cherish what you have and know when to hold em and know when to fold em. I was recently involved in a relationship that had holes all over it. Whether they be in the foundation it was maturing in, how it was developing, and where it was going, there were massive holes all over it. This came to my attention whilst planning the next move in my life and deciding who made the list of moving materials. I have come to the conclusion over the years that not everyone makes the A Team and for good reason as well. Back to the original topic of the truly great woman.... My grandfather once told me you only meet three great women in your life, one of which is your mother. How do you know when and where the other two women will be and how to not let one of them go? Corny cliches tell us not to seek and you will find. In all actuality the great women are there for the taking, their treatment is all up to us. Don't take things in life for granted, it happens to be way too damn short. Hasta pronto 

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