Wednesday, February 25, 2009

People of Earth

People of Earth need to be inspired in this time of need and uncertainty. Do we really the inspiration of some old dried up wench named Nancy who jumps out of her seat faster than a jackolope to praise the massive spending of her party? Yeah, no. The woman literally leapt from her seat after Obama mentioned cutting the deficit not weeks after she spearheaded the enormous amounts of spending. Hypocrite? Absolutely. Let's say you have a shit-ton of credit card debt, oo around 60k usd. Why don't we go ahead and spend another 135k to get rid of the original debt and not allow any investing of that money to take place. Personally, I enjoyed the email sent from my brother explaining the TARP in picture form showing a crane truck pulling a car out of the water, falling in. Another larger crane pulling that crane out, falling in. Yet, another larger crane pulling the two previous cranes out, inevitably falling in. Is anyone else worried about the government not only expanding its power but also experimenting with the economy. "If this doesn't work then we'll try something else." Sounds promising.
The president and his party have to think deeply about how to regain the trust of the American People. Being a fan of the late Pres Bush on some issues and against on others, as a freethinking individual....(are any of us?), I can say that he did hurt the trust of the average American. Obama's congress needs to reach back out to the people and see exactly what they need, not what they want. More people should be more like Rick Santelli, how funny was that little rant? 
Something else of note I thought was particularly entertaining was the recent layoffs of 12k some odd people from Microsoft Corp. These people were "overpaid" their severance packages. The company gave them too much severance due to a computer glitch at the time of payout. How completely ironic. This makes me wonder if anyone who was laid off had a hand in this debacle, remember what happened at Innitech? Milton ring a bell? 

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