Wednesday, February 25, 2009

People of Earth

People of Earth need to be inspired in this time of need and uncertainty. Do we really the inspiration of some old dried up wench named Nancy who jumps out of her seat faster than a jackolope to praise the massive spending of her party? Yeah, no. The woman literally leapt from her seat after Obama mentioned cutting the deficit not weeks after she spearheaded the enormous amounts of spending. Hypocrite? Absolutely. Let's say you have a shit-ton of credit card debt, oo around 60k usd. Why don't we go ahead and spend another 135k to get rid of the original debt and not allow any investing of that money to take place. Personally, I enjoyed the email sent from my brother explaining the TARP in picture form showing a crane truck pulling a car out of the water, falling in. Another larger crane pulling that crane out, falling in. Yet, another larger crane pulling the two previous cranes out, inevitably falling in. Is anyone else worried about the government not only expanding its power but also experimenting with the economy. "If this doesn't work then we'll try something else." Sounds promising.
The president and his party have to think deeply about how to regain the trust of the American People. Being a fan of the late Pres Bush on some issues and against on others, as a freethinking individual....(are any of us?), I can say that he did hurt the trust of the average American. Obama's congress needs to reach back out to the people and see exactly what they need, not what they want. More people should be more like Rick Santelli, how funny was that little rant? 
Something else of note I thought was particularly entertaining was the recent layoffs of 12k some odd people from Microsoft Corp. These people were "overpaid" their severance packages. The company gave them too much severance due to a computer glitch at the time of payout. How completely ironic. This makes me wonder if anyone who was laid off had a hand in this debacle, remember what happened at Innitech? Milton ring a bell? 

Monday, February 23, 2009


Driving down the mountain yesterday to meet some friends for an after work beer I did a once over about my current state. It was kind of like doing a diagnostic report on a car, plug in some good tunes and do an evaluation. I then threw on Deadmau5's Not Exactly to begin. After a few minutes of deep thought I came to a conclusion I had never been completely faced with before, that being entirely stress free. It was certainly a wonderful diagnostic conclusion, in turn bringing a massive grin for the remainder of the trip down the mountain. 

Went out in Bozeman with a friend from work, to meet her friends out for Tapas and a few drinks afterward. Being that it was my first time out in the city just north of Big Sky, it was nice to go somewhere without knowing everyone in all the places already or having to see a birdless crowd the entire evening. Her friends were all good-ole Southern girls, with innocence written all over them,  the group enjoyed escapades for the better part of the night. After closing the place down we made our way over to a friends house, luckily I ceased drinking a few hours before leaving as one of Montana's finest followed us a good portion of the trip home. Assuredly, I was able to drive back into Big Sky that night as I also had to work in less than 5 hours. Not more than 1/2 mile down the road I dodge the first two deer only to smack into a third who decided it might be a good idea to stop in front of a car. Wrong. The deer bounced off the car in the direction it came from and began a loud, almost screaming, noise wretched to the ears. We stepped out of the car t assess damage, as well as, take the deer out of its misery which was performed using my CRKT. Keep the blood on the blade son - Gangs of New york ref. 
This was particularly scarring for my friend, as it was her vehicle, she had never seen a deer murdered at such close range, and she too had to work in a few hours as well. i was just upset she wouldn't allow me to take the deer with us, wasting the animals fresh meat out of season. Bummer.  


Worst case scenario of being caught in the lifeless realm of mediocrity rewarded by my current employer. The manager position I applied for has been cut from the budget permanently, making a crossroads come into play - do I stay or do I go now? 

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Out of Bounds

Can't say exactly how many times I have come across an "Area Closed" or "Out of Bounds" sign that looks like the fluffiest powder one could ever float on top of. Conscience always says, "just duck the rope bud, no one is watching. Look at how nice that powder looks, just go damnit!" The worst that can happen is losing my pass for a week for the first offense, in part because we are apparently supposed to be setting an example for the guests. Aren't we also supposed to be checking closed areas to make sure they are safe for guests as well? Similar to guinea pigs, yes. On the other hand it is closer to a guinea pig trying something like a Belgian white for the first time - new, exciting, and complete fulfillment afterward, wanting to do it several more times following.

Cross the line, duck the rope, brace for speed, and don't hold back.